Need advise on combining lights


hey what's up first time posting a thread on RIU. I've been on the site multiple times learning new techniques to put into my grow. I currently have a 5x5x10 (wlh) veg room with a 8 bulb t5. I also have a 5 x 5 x. 10room for flower with a 400 watt h p s air cooled now my question is can I combine the room to make it a complete flower chamber meaning 5 by 10 by 10? I want to take the 400 watt t 5 light and h p s light and hang them side by side to do a s c r o g. I plan on having 4 plants underneath the screen. I have an extra hydro farm 225 watt light that I can use to veg my plants in a separate room. do you guys think that this is possible I do not have money for the red spectrum or orange spectrum lights for my t 5 but what I've been reading is more lights equals more bud. any and all suggestions are welcome thanks in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious, you have a separate veg and flower room with multiple lights and you're wanting to combine it all into a large room and duct/cool the entire thing, but you don't have money for a couple t5 bulbs? Just seems odd to me.

To answer your question, yes you can combine lights. It's not going to be the most efficient and I don't think you'll end up happy with the results, but it will work. You'll have a good challenge keeping your plants balanced with different lighting. Also, you're totally underpowered. I have a 5x10 flower tent with 1400w of hps in it, and I'm keeping an eye out for a 1000w to add. Just to give you an idea of how much space that is and the lighting required to utilize it all. Under 1000w will leave you with a half full flower room, or a full room of airy buds.


Well-Known Member
If you use the T5 and the HPS light for a 10'x10' square flowering area, the plants under the HPS light will do just great and those under the T5 wont do so great. The T5 is the wrong light spectrum because its meant for veg. You can change the bulbs to be the "red spectrum" flowering bulbs, though, and then use both lights. However, I'd strongly recommend just getting another 400w or 600w lamp instead and using dual HPS lights. Your buds will love you for it and your product will be much nicer in the end. Good luck!


Sorry I wasn't specific both rooms have separate 6in exhausts I also have a 10,000 btu/hr air conditioner and I am also bringing in fresh air from temps never exceed 78 or drop below 67.


Well-Known Member
I combine veg and flowering lights in my grow room everyday, it does help all, but i have my room setup so i can raise/drop the sides on my veg tent. I need to close my veg tent up when the flowering light (on only 12/12) go out. My veg lights stay on 20/4. If you have the same veg and flowering light cycle, i say combine, if not,.. you're going to need a light proof divider.