Not quite ethat simple, but not real complicted. Remove the last three or so nodes of growth from a tip or the top if your not branchy yet. The original plant will grow, albeit bushier and perhaps a sidge slower for a while. The cutting should be transported to your new site in water, then cut away the branch of the last node to expose more inner branch, this is where your roots will grow from. Strip off some of the outer layer of the bottem and dip in rooting gel or clonex or whatever you have in your area. Make sure you stick it in soil that is very soft and will remain wet, the cutting needs to stay moist to root. Moist, not sopping. This by all means should be done at home where you can keep an eye on it untill it roots out well, but I have had quite a bit of sucsess cloning in the field. It all comes down to remaining moist .