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hey peeps,

i got 4 ladys i just switched over 3 weeks ago. 3 of them are doing great but the 4th one's leaves are burnt at the tips and the leaves are also curling outwards what do you think the problem is....(p.s. i replanted them wen they were on 12/12..stress??



Well-Known Member
Quite possible it is stressed.
I would flush her and start her back on 1/2 nutes for a couple weeks. Be sure to keep an eye on her. you dont want any him parts.


Well-Known Member
Any one got suggestion on wat i should do its my first indoor grow???:-|
Well first off never transplant when theya re in 12/12. Always do your business before then. After lights out wait a few hrs then flush x2 2nd flush add 1/2 nutes and molases. Add 2 tbls molases to every watering. They will be fine.
Well first off never transplant when theya re in 12/12. Always do your business before then. After lights out wait a few hrs then flush x2 2nd flush add 1/2 nutes and molases. Add 2 tbls molases to every watering. They will be fine.

so if there in 5 gallon buckets 2x the volume, and wat nutes do you reccommend. i use 8-24-8(closest i could find) they are spikes. would i just break in half??:?
hey guys how do i flush a 5gallon bucket of soil wen my plants are in 12/12 and im using 8-28-8 sticks some one please walk me through!!! Please


Well-Known Member
Grass hopper your nutes are way too high. Fox Farm Tiger Bloom is a great product and the npk is 2-8-4 See the difference. (8-28-8)
Take out the spikes and when lights are out screw i some green party bulbs so you can see (dollar store/wal mart) and put plants (5 gallon) in bath tub and gentley allow water in container till it floods out bottom for 3-4 minutes. then wait 20 minutes and do it again.