Need Assistance with spots

How goes it 420 friendly out there. Im having a problem with greyishbrownish spots on some of the leaves on my tops. I don't beleive its a nute def. as they're being fertilized with GH nutes. Im not sure if it is some kind of fungus or root problem, and i have been unable to find any other threads with anything that resembled mine. The pix aren't very good so im gonna try and get more in a bit when the cam is charged. Butb in a nutshell it looks like they were burned with the end of a cig only on the topmost leaves on only one plant. Its progressing pretty rapidly so any advice is welcome.



New Member
have you sprayed the plant with anyting to cause the rust spots ????
is yor ph in order ?????.
indoors or outdoors ?????
how are the lower fan leafes looking ??????


AN Addict 420

Active Member
Looks like a potassium deficiency to me. Give it a bloom booster with a good amount of K as well as MG after a good flush assuming they are in soil. If not just adjust the res. ph, and lower your ppms for a little while. Or simply change your soulution. They like a lot of K and MG in flower so be sure they are available. Hope this helps, and good luck!
The pH is usually around 6.5 +/- .2. They are in soil in 5 gallon pots. I've been giving them GH floranova nutes at almost max strenght every other watering. Is it possible that this is to strong a mixture and either burning the plants or causing nute lockout? Anybody ever use Nova nutes in soil? I used them with great results in DWC bubblebuckets. The lower leaves are yellowing pretty regularly throughout 2 of them. Look a lil N deficient. I know i didnt get any liquid on the leaves because i don't spray the plants once they begin to flower and the tops are about 5 feet tall. I dont know yall this shit is making me crazy, buds are forming well still but i don't wanna dismiss this.

AN Addict 420

Active Member
prolly a bit too strong on the ferts, try a feed water water feed reginmen instead. Or stick to what your doing just feed at half strength. just be sure to give em a good flush every other time you give em plain water. Sometimes chemical ferts build up in the soil, you probably do have a lockout. So after you flush em all with at least 5 gallons of water each I would continue using the flora nova, just use it at half the strength your doing now cause whenever you have a bigger container you want to lower the feed strength a little compared to a smaller container because there is more soil area inside the buckets, there is a higher chance that the nute solution will leave behind salts if the plant cant use em before the water evaporates. Hopefully they'll bounce back soon, nute problems suck, good luck man.
thanks man...that actually sounds like your right on the money. I flushed one last night as an experiment and whaddaya know? Greenin right back up already. The spots are still there (necrotic tissue doesnt heal does it?) but everything else is looking alot better. thanks yall that really helped me out. Good to know theres a place i can come with these kinds of questions.
just an afterthought but is it safe to try and move a 5 foot plant in a five gal bucket? It wont stress?shock them will it? The buds are starting to get some weight so thye wobble like crazy. In order to flush id have to move them. :(

AN Addict 420

Active Member
Hey hydrofarm, thanks for the rep! Its good to hear your girls are doin better.

Your talking about plants that are already in 5 gallon buckets right? if so then it shouldn't be too stressful to move them just be careful to not shake them too much if you can help it. I think the thing that would probably stress them the most would be the lack of light for a bit while you flush, which you might be able to avoid if you cut a few big holes in the lid of a rubbermaid so you can just set a bucket right on top of the lid and have the runoff drain into the rubbermaid where you can just dump it all at once without too big a mess. Another possible stressor (during the winter months) might be the temperature of the air in the room u move em into, just make sure its roughly the same as the room they were in before. Also i'm sure you know this already but be sure to ph the water you are going to flush with to the proper level as well as make sure the h2o is at the room temp so it doesn't shock the roots. Other than having a sore back from lifting those monsters you shouldnt have any issues. 5 footers!? Cant wait to see how this 1 turns out!