need basic help with herms.


Active Member
I have been growing some seeds I bought from a seed bank. I use fox farm soil for a medium, and HID lights. 400 watt MH for vegetation, and 1000 watt hps for flowering. I planted 10 seeds I purchased, and I planted 5 bag seeds from stuff I thought was good.

Within a couple weeks of 12/12 photoperiod, I started to notice signs of males and eliminated them. This process went on over the next week or so until all males were removed. The remaining plants have been budded well. These plants have now been in bud for 60ish days and the room is fairly full. The other day I went to harvest, in the back corner it appears that one of the bag seed females is producing seeds, we'll call it #12. It also looks as tho a couple of the pedigreed plants that were next to #12 may have seeds.

My assumption is that #12 was a hermaphrodite and pollenated the ones nexts to it. Lately, I can't trust my assumptions. I need help. I have some questions here that may narrow down and help me prevent this in the future. Here they are.

Do clones of Hermaphrodites always produces herms?

Can I unknowingly produce herms by leaving them in 12/12 to long. I ask cause it seems the seeds just started the last couple weeks of budding. They were in bud 8-9 weeks.

Can hermaphrodites pollenate plants around them? Or do they just make seeds on themselves?

This happened the last couple weeks of budding and Im curious about this too. It seems that some of the plants have formed clusters of seed pods. When I harvested them and felt some of these pods there was an oil of sorts in them but no seed. What am I to make of this?

Maybe any ideas or tips I could be forgetting?


Well-Known Member
do clones of herms always produce herms... no...

can herms polinate herms around them ... yes they can .. herms have both male and female characteristics... they polinate themselfs ... but look take advantage of it and keep the seeds for another grow imo
there was no seeds because they were not fully mature yet... sorry tried to post quickly i'm in a hurry to go ... :)


Well-Known Member
I have been growing some seeds I bought from a seed bank. I use fox farm soil for a medium, and HID lights. 400 watt MH for vegetation, and 1000 watt hps for flowering. I planted 10 seeds I purchased, and I planted 5 bag seeds from stuff I thought was good.

Within a couple weeks of 12/12 photoperiod, I started to notice signs of males and eliminated them. This process went on over the next week or so until all males were removed. The remaining plants have been budded well. These plants have now been in bud for 60ish days and the room is fairly full. The other day I went to harvest, in the back corner it appears that one of the bag seed females is producing seeds, we'll call it #12. It also looks as tho a couple of the pedigreed plants that were next to #12 may have seeds.

My assumption is that #12 was a hermaphrodite and pollenated the ones nexts to it. Lately, I can't trust my assumptions. I need help. I have some questions here that may narrow down and help me prevent this in the future. Here they are.

Do clones of Hermaphrodites always produces herms?
I have found this to be entirely true-over many grows. It really depends if the hermie gene is in the DNA, although I am sure all carry it to some degree, or the hermie was more a result of environmental stressors. If stessors, possibly not. If not stressorsm than yes for sure.

Can I unknowingly produce herms by leaving them in 12/12 to long. I ask cause it seems the seeds just started the last couple weeks of budding. They were in bud 8-9 weeks.
Alot of times straight up fems will produce individual male fingers/flowers/bananas late in harvest. Normal to a degree. Again in the DNA. Sounds like the seeds are immature and were only recently pollinated.

Can hermaphrodites pollenate plants around them? Or do they just make seeds on themselves? Yes of course they can depending if they are the full fledge hermie that have equal parts of male and female, or intersexed with predom female flowers with occasional male-which is what it sounds like u have. If it is the latter, they usually only pollinate themselves and a couple tops on surrounding plants. Air circulation-i.e. fans, play a big roll

This happened the last couple weeks of budding and Im curious about this too. It seems that some of the plants have formed clusters of seed pods. When I harvested them and felt some of these pods there was an oil of sorts in them but no seed. What am I to make of this?
U sure they were not empty caylx's? they swell up with resin before harvest, when the pistols die back. 'false pregnancy'

Maybe any ideas or tips I could be forgetting?
if u still have plants going, shut down the lights and cirulation and spray the all real good with water to nuetralize any pollen.

Welcome to Hermie Heaven. Ur smoke should be just as good since they seeds are so immature. I have found full grown brown seeds at 4 weeks of flowering, so development is about 2 weeks give or take


Active Member
Fantastic reply thanks so much. The plants I have remaining are still on 18/6 photoperiod. The whole budding room was harvested. I keep it real clean. Pollen should not be a problem from here on out. Im fairly surprised for my first grow how big the buds are. I read the part about empty calyx's, I think your right cause I see more on other plants and they are split open with 2 large orange/yellow leaves/hairs. Damn thanks great help. This is what this site is about.


Active Member
I read the thread. Its funny how right you were smokey. Its big bud and Im really glad i held it in bud 72 days. I also see a direct corolation to what this thread pointed out. That when you hold big bud late in budding it has a good chance to pop a herm or two. Im starting to think that maybe one of the big bud plants was the hermie and it pollenated the bag seed one. Either way it matters little now which one was the culprit. The mother plant is in good female working order. From here on out during budding if I discover a hermie, I will instantly cut and start drying it. I just need to make sure I have a full command of what to look for. Thanks so much for all this info.


Well-Known Member
the most imp thing to look for is male sacs developing during the the 2nd-3rd week of flowering-they appear where a pistillate caylz should be (female flower).