Need details on a grow light?

Hiya I know someone selling a couple of these lights but they know nothing about them. They work fine she showed me and whatever but neither of us know about them and what they are worth and I want them. Grew some dank indoor at my friends house and now would like to try on my own. Could someone help me out and tell me about these things and how much they are worth and if they are worth it?? IMG_0789.JPGIMG_0783.JPGIMG_0793.JPG


Well-Known Member
is your standard low beam? metal halide ware house light

the Hi beam is the taller and larger fitting

check the numbers for anything on watts

this maybe is a 250 watts bulb

which is the minimum wattage for growing weed imo:

250w is the zone where it kicks out more heat than light

anything above is good

see the chart for the distance between plant and tube

good luck
They were used in the winter and a couple times like 8 years ago when they were new so they are old and the hood hasnt been cleaned once so it's covered in dust from sitting for like 10 years. There are no numbers or anything. also how many plants could you have under two 250 watt lights?


Well-Known Member
Oh also you can't plug them in to a normal outlet
bulbs plug into a BALLAST

a box the size of a shoe box and heavy as hell

ensure the ballast has no oil leaks

then plug the ballast to the wall socket 240v AC

clean and check all first ..imo:

2x 250w is a good idea... maybe 6-8 plants in 3usg pots

good luck
bulbs plug into a BALLAST

a box the size of a shoe box and heavy as hell

ensure the ballast has no oil leaks

then plug the ballast to the wall socket 240v AC

clean and check all first ..imo:

2x 250w is a good idea... maybe 6-8 plants in 3usg pots

good luck
Yeaaaaaaa so basically if I use these lights I'm gonna have to get a bunch of other stuff for them to work? And the chick said she grew near 100 plants under two of these lights

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Yeaaaaaaa so basically if I use these lights I'm gonna have to get a bunch of other stuff for them to work? And the chick said she grew near 100 plants under two of these lights
Not if they're 250s, she didn't. Searcg craigslist - you can generally find some decent deals on used gear there. Like somebody already mentioned, that hood looks like it got beat to hell.
Uuuuugggghhhh this sucks lmao wish I knew more about lights so I didn't get my hopes up. So it's not worth it to get these? There aren't any dents or anything the only thing that's been done to them is someone put that plywood on the hood to attach some metal wires to hang them up. Filthy with dust on the hood but it wipes off easily. She has it all set up with the ballast and whatever but she's not giving them