Need experienced grower's opinion


Active Member
Hello all, this is my 1st grow attempt, bag seed from a bag of kush. I'm growing in a bubble bucket, about 100w CFLs & gen hydro nutes.

Lights were flipped exactly 28 days ago, took about a week to show signs of flower. Today this is what she's showin. Any idea how many weeks left she has before she's ready? I know I need a magnifying glass when the time comes, but just in general, does it look like another 4 weeks or another 2 months, in your opinions?
Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
u need more light for 28 days they are way behind u need to at least have 250 true watts of cfl for half decent results.


Well-Known Member
grown master kush once took them bewteen 8 to 10 weeks more 10 weeks then 8 if i recall. but tbh youre flowering times have changed. as youre slightly behind. as were youre 4 week in and would need 4 to 6 weeks i d say youre more 2 weeks in n i would give 6 to 8 more weeks maybee longer with youe light. do you know how to check for harvest times.


Active Member
Yes I've read enough on here to get the general idea of harvest time. As far as ppm, I don't measure that I just have been feeding gen hydro nutes & checking ph. It's only 1 plant & I want to keep it simple as poss. Basically my local hydro store has been giving me direction.


Active Member
So what I'll do is just double the lights and let her grow. Good experience for first grow. Not even hoping for big yield just want to see it through. Been wanting to grow since my teens. :)


Active Member

Heres how they look today. Lights doubled, I'll probably clip it down in about another 3 weeks.


Active Member
So the plant completely wilted itself overnight. It looks dead, although its still standing, almost every single leaf is wilted. Interesting to note that the plant hasnt drawn any water from the res in about a week. The plant is officially 77 days old today. Maybe it is just time for it to die. I'll attribute the weak bud production to the lack of lights throughout the majority of the grow. I learned you need about 250 true watts of CFL to produce anything decent. The bud production on this plant is laughable, maybe 10 grams total when all is said and done.
Good learning experience! Next round will be much much better.


Active Member
Don't get down on yourself man, if u got anything at all to smoke on or make some brownies u did just fine. My suggestion would be to try a soil grow next if you want to keep it really simple. Soil is inherently forgiving. How many plants do u see growing in hydroponics in nature? You were checking Ph and giving her nutes, that's the basics in soil. No need to measure ppm or any of that. Plus if you slip up and make a mistake, soil gives you much more time to correct the problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprized you say they have only been flowering for 4 weeks. My 1000W light would
generally have plants looking like yours after 3 weeks. I would of thought my light would
make more of a difference.

Anyway, are you sure it's a kush? Kushes are mostly indicas and your leaves look like
some sativa influence.

I would guess your plant is about half done. How much height has the plant put on since
you flipped the lights to 12/12? Sometimes a flowering plant will appear to stall while
flowering if it had a real short veg period. Just curious.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
Big Steve what's up. The plant was brought down about 10 days ago. I rreally don't know what strain it was. But it was supposedly kush. Lol. It was my first grow ever so I'm just glad i got smoke from it.


Well-Known Member
it'll be ready when its ripe to your taste; in 5-10
i don't even keep track. ripe is ripe, and any guess at when that will be is just that..................