Need expert help.

Is that you in the photo?

Conversation over? That's a damn shame. I was really starting to enjoy the banter. You sure have painted yourself into a corner. Nobody here seems to want to have anything to do with you. Can't say I blame them. If this was a RL bar you would be unconscious on the floor and leaking by now. Good luck in life. You are going to need it. Oh yeah. If you ever plan on visiting nz. Just don't. We don't want cunts like you in our beautiful country. You give all Americans a bad name.
Okay thanks!!
Thanks for the new sig, :clap:
People who don't know the difference between "to," "two," and "too" are literally the worst.
Okay cool.... Are you done? Send you along with the rest. I had no issues till people wanted to talk... so now I'm here to talk some shit. And I can back it up. Unlike most of you that wanted to chime in against me.. I'll take on this whole site if I had too. I grow for a living so I have plenty of time for you loud mouths. @whitebb2727

You'll take on the whole site, Ricky? Everyone in the world is beneath you aren't they, big fella?

I think you're cute, don't change. You make me wet, you big dominant man, you. Kisses.
People who don't know the difference between "to," "two," and "too" are literally the worst.

You'll take on the whole site, Ricky? Everyone in the world is beneath you aren't they, big fella?

I think you're cute, don't change. You make me wet, you big dominant man, you. Kisses.
Right back at ya!!! Have a swell day
Most certainly!!!
I'm not a rat but if the right mod saw this thread it could lead to a banning. Name calling is generally not accepted here. The exceptions being in politics and toke and talk.

Politics is a free for all and toke and talk there is a lot of shit talking but its generally among respected friends.

The word faggot is probably not a wise idea either.
I know I spend a lot of time on here. It is what it is. I get a VA pension, own rental property and grow or hunt most of my food.

I own my home and vehicles. I have zero debt. I'm not a baller but I don't need or want anything.

I also grow against the law. Some of use are not lucky enough to be legal. Yes I have had police knock on the door 50 foot from my grow exhaust.
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Not a big indoor but it keeps me in fire smoke and I hide a few ladies outdoors every year.
Hard to swallow the fact that some new guy to site has better looking grows... without any knowledge of growing right?
Not that at all. Its the way you carry yourself.

My best friends dad when I was growing up was Special forces. A real bad ass mofo. He was going to a shooting event with local law enforcement. I asked him why because he could probably out shoot everyone there. He told me that if I went into something acting like I knew it all I would never learn anything. He told me to always be a sponge.

Yes, you have a nice grow. So what though? It means nothing if no one can stand you.

Just saying. Quit acting like you are better and know more and maybe we can have a productive conversation.
Just ordered some liberty haze and vanilla kush anyone grown these I grow in coco hempys use cyco anyone know if these strain like any thing special like high pH or low pH extra nuts ect
I have a really bad attitude. I apologize. I don't know everything about growing. I know my way and what I was taught from my mentor. @whitebb2727
Hey rick at the start of this thread u started on my cause I disagreed about raisin the light I didn't fire back u started tell me what a rookie grower iam cause I grow small plant but if u seriously wanna let bygones be bygones iam cool with that