Need eye protection in grow room


Active Member
Whats the best thing to protect your eyes under hps lights? My dollar store sun glasses did little.welding goggles?
Any advice would be great.thanx


Well-Known Member
just dont look at em man. welding goggles will be very dark and very hard to see. go to any pharmacy and check out some of those glasses that old people wear over their glasses, they are usually real dark and cover alot of the eyes

tea tree

Well-Known Member
No kidding.

when I had the glass of my 400 mh bulb even my morph would take away the migraine. It was awesome bad. It is because of the uv getting thru without the glass to take it away. I used 2 pairs and never looked at it. It still hurt some. But not so bad. With the glass on I have no probs.


Well-Known Member
ahh good thread when im in my room i use my uv block cop raybans...its fucking halarous...when my partner comes in and sees me...but yea after qworking an hour under a light you need glasses and a protect you hair from burning( have done that befor trust me not good..) ond from just killing your scalp...


Active Member
Thanx for the replys! Forgot to mention it,s a diy pyrex/high bay/remote ballast/fan/cooltube setup with no reflector. So my stupid a$$ is so amazed that it works so good I keep looking at it. Plus theres bud all around it. Found a diff pair of way dark glasses laying around and try,d them. Better but still makes the brain and eballs hurt. I,ll prob step up to the gray hair shades.


Active Member
my eyes got lil messed up

i actually had what looked as if a small blister on my eye from adoring my babiez to much..

got me a worried but i sport my shades when i get in there now..