need first time grow tips

Hey everyone Im planing on starting a outdoor grow next season and I was looking what strains to use I live in the Midwest so I only have about 4-4 1/2 months I'm aiming for around 3 pounds from around 10 plants this is my first outdoor grow but I've grown indoor before so any tips would be greatly appreciated thanks
I was thinking of growing indoors, but for you going from inside to out, kool. What you should do is go to the various seed sites and check out "outdoor seeds" or "easy to grow seeds" and buy these types of seeds, feminize seeds are good just incase you can't get out to your grow site to check all the time. Any worries you have about growing outdoors should be set aside, the learning curve is pretty easy. Unlike indoor growing where from what I have read nutrients are almost daily, outdoor growing nutrients can be in play well in advance, the same for bug prevention. From what I have read indoor growing is far more daily, checking temps, smells, nutrients, etc... Growing outdoors is more like being a fireman, intense moments of work, for example finding a spot and digging holes, lots of emotion involved, intuition weighs heavily. Watering, feeding, pruning, critter prevention, all usually done quickly to prevent being seen. But the out come, well the out come it just can't be explained, almost god like, being a conjurer, growing tiny little seeds from the ground to bring such a mental variation on the outlook of life. Well didn't mean ramble on, Good Luck.
I agree, I am still a novice myself. But indoor grows are definitely more long periods of low intensity work, while outdoor grows, especially guerrilla grows are more short bursts of intense work. Planting for me involved carrying bug suit, bags of soil, water, shovel, plants, etc through heavy bush, then working for hours, several times. Glad that part is over.
I would get JACK 47 for amazing Sativa ... Frisian Dew for beautiful Indica budss. these are the two main strains that i know about that totally Kill it in the outdoor grow game!
These are both VERY High Yield strains...jack 47 is the fastest growing most massive plant i've ever grown. straight jungle shit...and super high thc %'s.
You can check for yourself and read up on these.
i dont know what the season is like in the midwest but if ur first frost comes early u might wanna go with only indicas or autos, sativas take a lot longer to finish.
auto's are nice..but if your shootn for 3lb's auto's, won't get you anywhere near there. expecially if your only tryn to buy 10 seeds.

If you jus tryn to slang it .. I would get jack 47 and black jack for sure. I'm tellin you rit now.. ur guna be thankn me.
I see. If the season is really that shortt.. perhaps auto's would be the best option then.

For auto's I would have to recommend "Rocket Fuel" and "Blue Himalaya"
i personally dont like autos i only suggested is cuz i know they finish fast. i would try to find some early finishing indicas which would yield a lot more than autos and get u a lot closer and perhaps even more than 3lbs.
They do grow fast..I got an auto looks like its guna give me a O and half or so. They realy don't produce much..but they get a decent size.

Someone in the other forum was talkn about gettn them boy was all talkn about that too. Def a good idea...gota get a card tho.

Or get some clones at the club.

Jack47 - is still on the table tho as most chronic/fast growing/highest yielder
definitely put it back outside. bring it in or cover it if it rains.

you topped that shit waay to early homie .. "baby it" .. it'll probably survive
Sativa's are all about growing outdoors, but like southsacboy said they take reeeeel long to finish. I personally em growing Cheese and Ak, both from Nirvana seeds. Outdoor Hybreds are the best way to go. Good Luck
just go to attitude seedbank and seach outdoor strains, they have some quality marijuana seeds there. I just ordered blueberry and blueberry widow mmmmmmm :D
Mmmmm widow strain nice. Have you had good luck with the widow stain outdoors? Last season I grew white widow got a lot of mold.