Need grow room advice


Active Member
I have a closed grow to keep summer heat down with a AC unit.
I was told that a fresh air added to room will help my yield. My grow room is a framed in room in back of garage and my garage is not insulated so it gets very warm during hot days. Should I install a 240 cfm fan in wall drawing air from outside room from garage or should I install in wall with aluminum tubing through ceiling to attic vent so air comes in from outside of garage? I have a 440 cfm fan to carbon scrubber that vents room, but it is turned off so it does vent my AC air out. I will use new fan with timer to draw air only during none hot hours. My light cycle is 11pm to 11 am.


Well-Known Member
AC won't scrub the air in your grow room so watch for odours. Cool air from outside your garage will bring RH up which is good and improve co2 levels which is why your yield will improve.


Active Member
AC won't scrub the air in your grow room so watch for odours. Cool air from outside your garage will bring RH up which is good and improve co2 levels which is why your yield will improve.
I've been checking everyday the smell outside. So far so good, nothing yet. I'm starting 5th week of flowering and room is smelly, but not outside. It would be easier to have fan blowing in air from garage but it doesn't sound like that is best idea


hey peaceman,

you should run your air scrubber in the room but not venting out, so you keep the cool air in! just because you can't smell the sweet smell doesn't mean fresh noses can't! just looking out!
