need grow room knowledge - from experience

It looks like you have an air hood ; and your sucking through one end , with the glass in place. I would hook it up that your sucking cool fresh air from outside the room over the light , or remove the glass , in this case it’s only hurting you.

In one of my veg, my fan is on the ground in the middle of plants , blowing straight up, at the light, above the light there is a 4” exhaust fan. This room runs cooler then my veg room with 2 fans at light heights blowing down at the plants , and a 4” exhaust fan above the light .
It looks like you have an air hood ; and your sucking through one end , with the glass in place. I would hook it up that your sucking cool fresh air from outside the room over the light , or remove the glass , in this case it’s only hurting you.

In one of my veg, my fan is on the ground in the middle of plants , blowing straight up, at the light, above the light there is a 4” exhaust fan. This room runs cooler then my veg room with 2 fans at light heights blowing down at the plants , and a 4” exhaust fan above the light .
I wish I could say that were in the realm of possibility....fresh air from the outside, but I don’t see how I could do it without being nnoticed. My grow room is A main part of the house so I need the outside to look and keep looking as normal as possible. I’m a legal patient and grow medicine from my mom and I, but I still try to keep it as secret as possible, even from neighbors. I don’t need any more trouble than I have ha. If you have a way I could bring fresh air in without being noticed, I’m totally open to listening! That would honestly be awesome for cooler seasons,..would be very useless for warm seasons when I’m cooling the house though
Lol, I automatically assumed you were responding to me lol. I forgot that this isn’t my thread, I just had similar like questions. Sorry if I assumed wrong there. Still have to wipe the crust from my eyes
Lol, I automatically assumed you were responding to me lol. I forgot that this isn’t my thread, I just had similar like questions. Sorry if I assumed wrong there. Still have to wipe the crust from my eyes
I didn’t notice your where the op
I was replying to you.
Take the glass out of the hood and your temp will go down and you’ll give your plants more light.

Where is the vented air going?