need grow tent help


Active Member
hello i have a 400watt HPS and am looking for a grow tent would like a 2 x 4 x 6 or a
3 x 3 x 6 can someone point me in a good direction to pick one up would like the hight to be al least 6 foot

or something close to them messurments a 4 x 4 x 6 is to big though


I got mine from Ebay. It measure 24" deep, 36" wide and 60" tall. I do not recall seeing any with a 6' height, but there are many different styles to choose from. The price's varied. You could also build your own for very little cost. Any home depot (such as Lowes) has all the materials you need and any home garden store has the B/W covering. A friend built one measuring 36 x 48 x 80 inches for less than $60.00. Happy growing and good luck