Need Heating Help


Well-Known Member
Hey yall, been a long time since I've been on here. Im finally back in a space where I can garden and super grateful for it. Im just running into a few issues.
Im located in a area that gets quite cold in winter 10F and having to grow in a garage space.
Im currently setting up a 10x10 tent and a 4x8 tent. I am using a exhaust fan that kicks on for 5 min once a hour to pull the air out the garage. Ive been having issues with moisture in the garage due to snow melt I believe. Im hoping these sandbags I got to put in front of the garage door will help.
When the lights turn off im currently seeing like 53-60F in my 10x10 tent.
I have thought about having the light cycles offset between the 2 tents so one is always exhaust hotter air into the garage to help supplement. I have also thought about hanging moving blankets in front of the garage door to help insulate it better.
Im curious as to what methods yall would recommend I do to help the temps in winter.
Im excited to see how easy it is when summer hits though
You'd probably be better building a sealed room and having co2, dehumidifier and heaters if your in a cold climate.

I'd imagine having a exhaust running only 5 min will leave your humidity sky high once plants are big, you'll end up with water running down your tent and garage walls