Need help 2 give help!!!


Active Member
A female friend ask me 2 help her with these 4 meant 2 be female plants, i rebedded them last week from floral tubs and under a reading lamp til this, Im quite new 2 this myself and would appreciate any help of any kind???? She give me the use of the wordrobe which iv got big plans 4!!! Help on that would b good also ??? PLEASE



Well-Known Member
Read the GROW FAQ'S first, then ask Questions dude, someone will help ya, but do some research on your own first


Well-Known Member
Dude put the light within 2-3 inches of the canopy. You got it way to far and your lookin at some crazy strechin.


Active Member
its just temperary m8 but this should help? im going 2 convert it into 2 rooms eventually but i dont have much faith in these plants here, im not even sure if there female? I started germin 10 female guana dwarf autos yesterday 4 a bit f fun! ever growin then ? so at the minute ijust raised them up a stuck a peice of mellar up 2 trap the light? ok ?



Well-Known Member
Those plants are sooooo stretched, I don't know how you are gonna get them bushy again. You need to get them under some serious MH light, cover a few inches of the stem with some dirt to cut the height of the plant down. Another option is to LST them. Start bending them a bit to lower their height and ties them down.
Worst comes to worst, just take some clones from each plant and start new...