Need help ASAP my plants are too tall



Watch that video. U put a net across your plants and keep pulling the tops underneath the net whenever they grow above the screen. Switch to 12/12 when ur net is nearly full and all your left with is tops growing above your screen. Theres a little more to it but thats the main jist.


I have two mother plants I normally keep them for 3/4 months but I had no weer to flower them so I was just giving them to my mate but he told me how much he was gettin off them kinda being a smarmy cunt and I worked it out over the year and thought FUCK THAT. So I made a space quick time but didnt have time to build a scrog so I supercropped and lst,d but this what your plants would look like if u did a scrog. Its the way forward if u worrying about headspace. Piece of piss to build one out of plastic inch pvc pipes and fiitings and some string



Well-Known Member
I'm goin to give that a go next time then! I take it U don't need to bamboo Cain them as the net holds them up, This is my room empty could I set a screen up 2 meters wide an the whole lengh of the loft so I can water them from both sides??


2 metres is a little wide maybe 1.5 metres will be better for light coverage and dont build one long screen because it will be a pain in the ass to get to the middle plants. If ur runnin 6 lights build 3 scrogs screens, 1 screen for two lights. And where there is a gap between each light have a little walkway so u can get round. Also raise your pots off the floor because its a pain in the ass gettin under to water.


1.5m x 3m screen would be sweet for two lights then a 1ft-2ft gap (which would be your walkway) then the next screen and so on...