need help asap. room has arched ceiling! how do i hang 1000w lights

tried the search but couldnt find much . so my problem is i have a room that has arched roof that inclines up. never ran into this problem before. im trying to hang 4 1000 watts . anyone have pics to help me get an idea... thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
I don't have any pics, but my suggestion would be anchor 2x4s in the the ceiling, then hang your chain or whatever. If you have your bungee or chain hanging from the 2x4,it won't matter if it's slanted.

Edit: run the 2x4s parallel with the arch. Not across it


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm assuming you want to put 2 1000s on each side of the room. So I would measure the distance you want your lights apart from each other. Like center to center.
Meaning the center of one light to the center of the next light. Use those centers as where you anchor the 2x4 in the ceiling. Then you can anchor your ratchet ropes to the 2x4s.

You'll have 2 1000s on each side of the room that are lower on the ceiling and 2 on each side that are higher on the ceiling since they are closer to the arch.

Sorry this is about as detailed as I can explain. The height of your anchors shouldn't matter as long as you have enough to lower your lights where you need them


Active Member
here ya go .... maybe a little rep points for me at the bottom left of the post for me? thanks dudegrwo set up 001.jpggrwo set up 002.jpggrwo set up 003.jpggrwo set up 004.jpggrwo set up 005.jpgDSCN1525.jpg slotted zinc angle iron, 2 rope ratchets, and a handful of carribener (i can't spell worth shit i only got my grade ten) for angling the light fixture any way i want, as shown in the tent,. the leds a very portable so its nice to have options as how to angle or place them when i move them around. this was an unexpected advantage btw when investing leds....and yes they do work for flowering. also make sure that angle iron is securely mounted to something behind the drywall. you dont want to break your lights and ruin your plants at once.


Just a beginner grower but very experienced in construction....

Its way more simple than anyone has pointed out. just get a stud finger. Then you can find backing (a truss) and drill pilot hole and screw in a hanger or like (my favorite canadian) ricky shows in his pics use that angle iron with all the holes in it but BE SURE YOU ARE SCREWING INTO A TRUSS!! If you just screw into the sheet rock its just a matter of time till that light and what ever is holding it comes down like a guilotine on all your hard work and $$.