Need help asap, unexplained plant problem???

Good Evening Guys/Gals,

I have several plants that are beginning the third week of flower. They leaves are yellowing/browning and curling up at the tips. (some are cannoning inwards as well). They are in a 50/50 foxfarm soil/ coco peet mix and are fed when the top of the soil becomes dry. I have ruled out a cal mag deficiency since I have fed them cal mag and it did not fix the problem. Then I thought it was a phosphors problem so I fed them a tiger bloom regiment to bring it up at 2-8-4. Again nothing happened, the problem continues. At this point I realize it may not be a deficiency but a toxicity so I flushed the crap out of them and have used 0 nutes since. Just ph'd water ranging from 6.2-6.5. The plants have not yet recovered and I must do something soon or it seems all the leaves will slowly die away. I created this account today in the hopes that someone may have an idea of whats going on. All help and ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

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What size are the pots your using ? how long did you wait after your Cal Mag treatment ? Looks like potassium def. to me but i may be wrong, could be locked up too. I keep a bottle of Organibliss on hand just In case something I am not sure of and give them a good Foliar feeding, wait a few days and even with nute lockout it really helps, one time my plants would be heavy and not taking up any water, but after I fed with the bliss they came back and I was able to continue with my normal feeding and all was good. best of luck hope we can help you out here, Keep us posted. Oh if you take pics it really helps if the HPS lights are not on or if you can move them to a regular light source.
There is a few basic steps to take to test what's going on. Flush with RO and test runoff. Do you have a scope? What are temp spikes reaching? How do the roots look?
@Bear420 5gal pots. Its been 3 days now since cal/mag and tiger bloom feeding. Plants still moist wet from flushing, waiting until they get pretty dry before feeding again. Thanks for the info on Organibliss, haven't heard of before, but will look into it. Helping to reduce stress on plants is never a bad idea.
@StashToker the reason I flushed is because I thought it was pH problems at first too. Which may also be playing a factor, but should be corrected now. I was feeding 6.2 - 6.5 and the run off was around 5.3-5.4 which is why I decided to flush. The situation I'm stuck in is that I don't know if they need more or less. Seem to be in a stunned or slow growth stage. More pictures coming soon.
Put pictures on of the plant top also ,the new growth and mid plant growth,some times the lower leaves will die off,Flushing will not have caused you no problems un less the plantis really not well then it will cause more damage than good but,lets see rest of growth and go from there
I have poor lighting in my grow area other than the hps light source. So I tried to take lots of different shot and at different angles. The aliment starts with brown dots that turns the leaf yellow and later stage the dots turn to brow splotches and the leaf starts curling upwards. New growth is affected the most but few larger leafs affected as well, its random leafs. Not particularly starting from bottom up, near top, or what have you. Its sporadic.
ONE.jpg TWO.jpg THREE.jpg FOUR.jpg FIVE.jpg SIX.jpg
I'm new to this site so the pictures got posted sideways, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, now that I'm going back and looking at the pictures most of the affected leaves seem to be near the bottom of plants.
I have poor lighting in my grow area other than the hps light source. So I tried to take lots of different shot and at different angles. The aliment starts with brown dots that turns the leaf yellow and later stage the dots turn to brow splotches and the leaf starts curling upwards. New growth is affected the most but few larger leafs affected as well, its random leafs. Not particularly starting from bottom up, near top, or what have you. Its sporadic.
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hard to tell need light off shots with flash on wont hurt plants has long has its a one off
I have poor lighting in my grow area other than the hps light source. So I tried to take lots of different shot and at different angles. The aliment starts with brown dots that turns the leaf yellow and later stage the dots turn to brow splotches and the leaf starts curling upwards. New growth is affected the most but few larger leafs affected as well, its random leafs. Not particularly starting from bottom up, near top, or what have you. Its sporadic.
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What nutes ya using?

Spotting could be bugs..
give them a shot of pk that may help,i was thinking that my self blistering,either bugs or high humidity.Or i have had a simular looking problem but big bud sorted it out for me
@Holisticfarmer Something I forgot to mention. I had a small mite infection in my veg area (which is across the room in another tent) so just as a preventive measure I went ahead and sprayed a light ,1 to 5 ratio, of sm-90 to water, foliar spray applied. (~2weeks ago) This is the first time iv used this product. I forgot I even used it, this may be related. This product contains a very high ph lvl that was reduced with the water and ph down, WAS pHd correctly before it was applied though. Using FoxFarms nute line.
@Holisticfarmer Something I forgot to mention. I had a small mite infection in my veg area (which is across the room in another tent) so just as a preventive measure I went ahead and sprayed a light ,1 to 5 ratio, of sm-90 to water, foliar spray applied. (~2weeks ago) This is the first time iv used this product. I forgot I even used it, this may be related. This product contains a very high ph lvl that was reduced with the water and ph down, WAS pHd correctly before it was applied though. Using FoxFarms nute line.
Sounds like the after effects of the infestation and solution you used
your media looks too dried out and your plant is showing deficiencies because of it. maybe try upping the watering frequency or volume.