Need help asap!!!


Active Member
Do you think she will survive...? The main stem is flawless, but does that mean a thing...? There is no purple on the stems at all, just the leaves got attacked...

And this all happend over night.... Went from a very healthy plant to this horrible mess!!!!

What should I do...?

Healthy stem means the framework is still there, just have trouble with the leaves right now. Need to know a couple of things: what is the ph of the soil and the water you are giving it? When was the last time you administered nutes to the plant. I actually had an issue like this on my hydro setup this morning, and everything was within limits. I went and recalibrated my ppm meter and ph meter, and I'm guessing it was the ph that caused mine because it was the only one that needed to be adjusted. Your soil moisture looks ok from here, but you want to be careful about overfeeding because it can cause the same look.
what kind and how much nutrients are you using? what are your average temperatures? how close and what type are your lights and what is your watering schedule?
Here are todays updated pics...

I last fed it 1 day ago I used a miricle grow plant food mix with tap water (24 hours sat out), I descided to flush the soil last
night after seeing these effects, my nut mix was to high im guessing and I always kept it to moist also from everything I am gathering...
Not sure on the PH yet... I need to get a PH tester ASAP, then I can let ya know...
What do I do now...
Don't use miracle gro, it seems to be more of a week killer in our arena. flushing with water will keep nute burn from occurring, and let the soild dry out a little between watering. Biggest problem I had first starting was giving it too much. Best thing to do is nothing for a couple of days, especially if you fed it then flushed it yesterday.
id start anew and use very little nutrients, take whatever it says to give your plants in the instructions an reduce it by half at least, Id also really advise against miracle grow, go for an organic fertilizer if possable.
Ok, sounds good to me.... Should I change my soil now or keep going with miracle grow... If not then do I transplant it into another grow medium, and what is prefered...?
I usually start my ladies with 2/3 miracle grow and 1/3 of sand for the first 4 weeks or untill first transplant. I feed it nothing but water during that time because the soil has the nutes in it. I have never had a chemical taste or burn from the soil. My tomatoes and peppers outside looked like that the other day. My neighbor sprayed round up and I got some overspray. I simply flushed them and they are getting back to healthy looking. Remember it is a 'weed' and over thinking it can cause problems. I would cut back your nutes a little and work your way back up to maybe 1/2 reccommended. You should have no problem bringing her back to life.