Need help asap


Active Member
He can't even pitch in for the electric bill.
yeh very true, now he going to have to grow it outside lol

if he's going to put in the time and look after this plant for weeks, I will try and help
but if he gets lazy, he will fucks up his plant and it will die, then he has wasted his time so lets see if he can stick to it


Well-Known Member
He's a good kid, He's taking the razzing pretty well. He should jus flip his dad 20 bucks a month. His fluoros don't cost more than that. Wait til he finds out about bugs..... hope he doesn't cry. lol

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
ok, my headache is gone. not going to attempt to read that first post again, but if you can make sense, and perhaps some punctuation, I'd be happy to help. what's the problem, other than putting your plant outside?

have you done the math on how much it cost to run 69w 24 hours a day for a month? you're charged by the kilowatt hour, so 1000/69 = number of hours per kilowatt hour. next, how much does your ec charge per kwh? that times 24 hours x 30 = how much it cost per month to grow your plant. i'm thinking 5 bucks give or take a dollar...

show some responsibility, and pitch to your parents. show that you are responsible.


Haha you guys are funny! I'm not being sarcastic sorry I've been in a bad mood, it's been really hard for me and my family the last few months, so Thanks for the comments everyone :) I can't survive a beating like this. and I'm not going to say my job but it's not a pizza boy or car porter nice guess though I would have thought that as well.