Need Help b4 Flowering

Im a first timer here and I want to put my girl into flower A.S.A.P. due to space restrictions in my grow box...I read that I shouldnt put my plant into flower before i fix a few of the current problems I've been having during Veg. Im dealing with yellowing of leaves,,, Some Brown spots...and even what looks like Burned Tips! Any1 have any good advice on what i should do, or how to fix my current problems??? Time is of the Essence!!! PLEASE HELP!!!


I used MG Potting soil with some peat moss and manure..It's what i had around for my tomato's...If i knew then what i know now i wouldnt have used it..For my next grow i plant to get FFOF with perilite..I pH my water at 6.5 and tested my run-off a few days ago..The run-off was around 7.0 maybe slightly higher 7.1-7.2 (higher than i'd like) but i heard 7.0 was still a neutral ph ...As far as feeding I'm using Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom (not the ph perfect line)..I am currently only feeding at half strength based on the back of the bottle.. 3.8ml of Micro 3.8ml of Grow and .76ml of Bloom per gallon...I find Advanced Nutrients pretty confusing..I COULD BE USING IT COMPLETELY WRONG AND WOULDN'T HAVE A CLUE!!!



Well-Known Member
dont fert the soil man if it is the 3 month or 6 month fert soil i hope only use nutes if u are useing organic mg or moister controll mg all the others are horrable i use to use mg 3 month when i first started it locked out my nutes every time man the salt build up is insain so much so that it locks out nutes if ur useing the 3 or 6 month fert soil u have to flush it every 2 weeks and absoultly no nutes at all man


Well-Known Member
im sure there is some people that could help u out with them advanced nutes i use organic 100% but u know what some good flowering nutes are mg catus food the liquid it has a nute raito of N-2 P-7 K-7 and it also has all the micro nutes u will need thats what i used for flower before i switched to organic a few years ago. ffof is deffintly the way to go that is what i use its well worth the 15-18$ a bag
i honestly wish i payed more attention to the soil i used when i probably was either the 3 or 6 month fert because i give low dosages of nutes and have even given no nutes for 10 days on 2 separate occasions because i thought i had nute burn..this probably would explain my your saying no more nutes..just a good flushing..then straight water until flower..than mg cactus food???? if i was to put my girl into flower by the end of the week should i start to feed her with the cactus food or will that mess with the fert in the soil???


Well-Known Member
no no dont feed her the catus food with the mg it has enough nutes for flower it also releases to much N during flower makeing the buds airy. yea make shure u flush every 2 weeks and no nutes at all unless she looks hungry but i dont think you will need to feed at all just make shure u flush like i said


Well-Known Member
i was just telling u about the cactus food for when you get some good soil :) it cheap and its just as good as any other chemical nutes you could buy it even has all of the macro nutes i use it at 75% strenght when im flowering i start 1/4 strength then i go up from there ive been growing organic now though


Well-Known Member
when you flush make shure u run 2x much water as the size of the container is. so if your useing a 5 gal container use 10 gal of water to relly leach all of the salts up.