Need help bad!!!


Hi! I'm a beginner-grower and right now funds are low so i don't have any nutes. My plants are three months old and they are tiny and I'm trying to figure out why. What's a good inexpensive solution that will provide all that my plants would need, as far as NPK? I was tempted to buy Super-Thrive but I didn't know if it would work. Any suggestions? Here's a few pics of my set up and my babies... Comments please...

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Active Member
Id say the container is a little large for a plant that small. The roots will need to fill out before you'll see any real growth outta the plant IMO. I'm also a first timer, so take it with a grain of salt, but I wouldn't feed those yet. Also what are you growing in? Looks like it could def use some perlite



Active Member
Also if you need some nutes, just go and grab some 20-20-20 from home depot or canadian tire (if your in canada) or whatever. An all purpose nutrient mix will work fine, and won't break the bank. I'd geuss like 10 bucks and you'd be ok....don't need to spend all that money on the expensive nutes at the hydro stores


Active Member
Miracle grow tends to have some ferts in it already...all depends on what kind since they have like 20 different ones. Do you have the bag still? If you do it should say on there somewhere. How long have they been sprouted for?


Well-Known Member
as for being new my actual first attempt was in miracle grow and was not good only one lived to be transplanted i know there has been people to have great results with it but i know it will give you nutrient problems down the road


Active Member
I as well have killed plants in Miracle Grow, but I think it's usually becuase of overwatering which releases more of the nutes I think. Always a good idea to let the soil get pretty dry and light before watering again...a mistake many first timers make! I think miracle grow usually has enough nutes to last like 3 months, but if you over water you're exposing your plant to all those nutes a lot sooner than was intended.


Well-Known Member
i honestly couldnt clear it up for you as i didnt fully understand medium at first and used some shit 99 cent bag of organic soil from walmart not knowing i should of added some perlite or something to help root expansion


Active Member
I personnaly don't think theres anything wrong with MG, just alot of people don't realize there is food in it already and start adding nutes and bam! Dead plant!!!! Personally I like sunshine mix #4, it has no nutrients in it, and I like to be responsable for all my babies food! If memory serves it's not real expensive, but it is a slightly different way of growing for sure!


Active Member
oh wow, 3 months!! I'd transplant them into something smaller, and add lots of perlite, once the roots fill out you'll see good foliar growth


Why do u think they are staying so small? I transplanted from solo cups lastnite too because as u can see in one of the pics the root grew up out of the soil!!! Have u ever heard of tha


Active Member
hahaha ya it takes some patience. If they've just been transplanted though I'd just leave em for a while. Make sure the water dries out really well between waterings. Also make sure you always leave your tap water out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate. And be patient, as long as you learn from it theres no such thing as a bad mistake!