Need help badly....please take a look


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be able to keep the door open with "lights off", just thought I should ponti that out.. lol.
Plants may herm, "if there's any other lights" that's around, and on..



yeah i always have it closed when the lights are off, when its on i have to keep the door open, goes all the way to 98 if i let it, i also found a bug today, looked like a really tiny grasshopper, jumped out at me when i tried to grab it, i killed it. wish i took a pic.

Anyone know what it might be and if its one will have others right? it chewed my leaves up and i see my other plant has the same.

will this affect the plant in anyway, stress wise, i just fim-ed it a few days ago?

Questions about harvest, i know its good time away but i like to know before hand about everything.

how do i harvest, leaf cutting i mean, do i cut all of them off?

how do i dry and where is best ( dry dark place , warm dark place, open place with light and air. i have a small cabinet, a cardboard box which is better?

what do i do with the bigger leaves, dry them and use for my canna butter, or throw them away?

how to cure, in glass jars in the dark, do i open once a day?

limited space and my room is always warm or hot, will that affect the buds when flowering and drying?

sorry for all the questions i haven't found detailed pictorial that helps,if you have any i would be truly grateful. thanks all for the helpful comments


Well-Known Member
Well, the "purple" you are seeing could be from 1 of 2 things I know of..

There's (P) which is Phosphrous def..

Or purpling is genetic. Any plant/cross that contains any highland afghani is going to have purple in it. Every blueberry, blue cross purple- god if its true there are 5000 hybrid strains of cannabis - my guess is that 2000 of them will display some purpling simply because afghani is used to bring down the flowering time and induce photosensitivity to sativa strains.

Its not something you can fix unless you grow a stain that doesnt contain highland afghani.

Hope that helps alittle.. lol


Well-Known Member
On the "bug issue", you sures it wasn't a grasshopper :??: lol..

Those eat leaves.. ;)

On drying your buds, I ts best to dry them in a draker place(closet haning clipped to clothes hangers upside down), that's the "best way" I've done & had good results. Also you want to "dry them sloooowwww"!! Haha..
Its best to sit a fan blowing inside the closet "on low" if ya can.

Curing. I place my buds inside of mason jars and it differs on "cure time" depends on how big the buds are as to how fast there dry & cure.
I try to keep a humidty of anywhere from 50 to 67% curing. I also have got some samples I am going to try that these beveda bags (used for curing meds) retains a humidty of 67% I believe.. lol..


Well-Known Member
Prevention is better than cure, use good soil and/or a good fertilizer. If the pH is too high it is best to use a diluted solution of phosphoric acid to acidify the growing medium. Safe pH values for hydro: 5.2 –6.2, clay soil: 6 – 7 no higher then 7.0! Potting compost and sandy soil: 5.5 – -6.5. Alternative fertilizers that contain phosphate include: guano, blood meal, bone meal, rock phosphates, Thomas slag and semi-liquid manure. The disadvantages of these is that their phosphate content varies greatly and absorption is often only moderate. How finely the rock phosphates are ground and acidifying them before use will improve their solubility. It is best to use products where the packaging guarantees certain percentages.


Well-Known Member
ok will do, and might have been but it was sooooo small, it was kind of cute but i had to kill it lol

Yeah, I know but ya don't want those little suckers eating your babies.. haha.. ;)

Hopes I could help you out alittle.. ;) I am going to post another time on my thread, then hop off.. ;) hopefully hollar at ya 2mar.. ;)



i know, been looking like crazy to see more, nothing yet but i see little bites still, and the others are getting some as well. question should i cut all the new little leaves on the bottom of my plants only for #1 and #2 they're going into flowering in about a week.