Need Help, Buying A Roor Carbon Filter


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps,

I wanted to buy a new part for my roor so I've decided to go with the carbon filter. (i already got an A.C. and both diffused down-stems). What i'm having a problem on is; the "joint size".
My down-stems seem to measure 18.5mm . My bowl piece & the ash catcher connecting to down-stem is @ 14.5 it seems.

I wanted to get a Carbon filter, but not sure what size i should go with the 18.5 or the 14.5?

wanted to order from "everyonedoesit", so i don't want to mess things up as i hear they are pretty slow w/ delivery.


Well-Known Member
is it ok to use a 18.5mm carbon filter on a 18.5mm downstem or would i have to use the next size down; the 14.5mm?