Need help choosing a strain!


Active Member
Hey everybody i'm looking for some advice picking a strain for my next indoor grow and eventually outdoor '09. I just harvested this years outdoor OG Kush plants yesterday and the indoor run I just finished was all Purple Hindu. I kinda had the same problem with both - the plants didn't produce. The outdoor OG plants were 8' x 6' huge bushes with forearm nugs, but it was airy as can be. As far as the Purple Hindu goes, I am wicked impressed with the quality - its some fuckin chronicles of narnia shit - but again not a big producer. What I need in my life is some weight! My clone guy gave me a list (like he literally wrote me out a list on a paper ACE Hardware bag - no joke) of what he can get me: Green Crack, Romulan, Lavender, Trainwreck, Trainwreck x Hawaiian Big Bud, Purple Cream, Matanuska Thunderfuck, White Widow, Silver Haze, and Sweet Island Skunk.

So what do yall think? I need some heavy shit. My partner wants the Trainwreck cross for indoor, but i'm not so sure. I need the high-producinator stuff. Which of these strains is best for that? Which is best for indoor/outdoor? I'd be open to other suggestions, but since my clone guy will give me any of these for $5 a pop, I would prefer to pick from the list :)

Thanks in advance yall I look forward to gettin some good info.


Well-Known Member
I like the romulan strains by next generation. I think they perform well indoors and out,and a nice producer.


Junior Creatologist
if your lookin for a high yielder, just about anything thats crossed with big bud will do the trick for ya, as long as its the dominant strain in the seed.

IMHO, you should be lookin in some seedbanks for some grow reports of all of these strains, so that you can figure out which of them all will give you the greatest yields. Most of the strains in seedbanks will give you a g/sq-ft ratio, which is under optimal conditions. I dont know how good you are at growing or anything like that, but if you can successfully complete a harvest, your chances of getting close to the estimated amount for that strain have greatly increased.

But if your not lookin to do any research, then go with the big bud strain.


Active Member
King - I'm on another tab looking at various seed banks right now :P And yeah, I just completed my first indoor grow without a hitch (when I say they didn't produce much, I mean I got 560g from 1200 watts), and I have been growing outdoor for three years now, so I'm relying on that g/sq.ft. ratio for a guide. Thanks for the input so far.


Junior Creatologist
right on man, good luck then brother greenthumb, lol. N that dEFINITELY aint a bad yield bro, especially for indoors. you should be proud of that shit man, alot of people only dream to get a 500g yield, no matter what kinda light they use, lol. N if your gonna do another indoor grow while waiting for the next outdoor season, try putting some extra holes all along the sides of your pots, and throw a bubblewand (like an airstone) into the bottom of the pot, twisted into a spiral working its way upward, and then throw your soil in there. it will aerrate the soil to the point to where itll make your plant have a stem the size of a tree trunk, and your yield wont be "meager", compared to your last indoor harvest, thats for sure, lol.

I got that advice from NSW(nowstopwhining)'s grow journal - he used the same technique, and with only one plant i believe he got something close to 15 oz doin a ScrOG with just the one plant man. Was one of the most impressive grows ive ever seen :D

good luck man in whatever you do, n be proud of that shit man, hell, i dont know u for shit n IM proud of ya ;)


Active Member
Cool ill look into that airstone thing. Thanks by the way, I wasn't aware I did that well lol. I was disappointed I was hoping for a lot more hehe. Oh well, next time I guess. I just gotta have the right strain!!!


Well-Known Member
Out of the ones you would have readily access to I would go with the big bud and trainwreck hybrid. I have grown hawaiian big bud in the past and it always yielded well and a very hearthy plant. I would ask the exact genetics of the clone though. Now if the big bud got the deformed calyxes and sting of trainwreck then you are in good shape. May wanna think of looking into seed banks because if it is yield you are after it is always best to start from seed becuase with clones not unless you are the cloner you have no idea what generation it is and the the higher f number then genetic drift occurs. Good luck.


Active Member
Nope I don't currently use Co2. To be honest, it kinda scares me...the idea of drenching a room in my house like 6 feet from my bed with a chemical that can kill people in their sleep.

But strain-wise, I think I may go ahead and talk to my man and if everything is legit, just go with that Trainwreck x Hawaiian Big Bud for the indoor. That way I have time to see how it does indside then come April I can give him a call for some more for outside if I end up liking the results.


Well-Known Member
You dont drench a room its a controlled stream. And it is not a chemical it is a compound that you happen to breath out. You could just chill with you plants a lot more if your scared(Plants need 3-6 hundred ppm).
[FONT=Chicago, Courier New, Courier, mono]At 600(ppm), people notice the air is "stuffy." [/FONT]
[FONT=Chicago, Courier New, Courier, mono]At and up, some people may begin to feel the classic symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning: shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, rapid pulse rate, headaches, hearing loss, hyperventilation, sweating, and fatigue. [/FONT]
[FONT=Chicago, Courier New, Courier, mono]0.5%). Prolonged exposure to levels above 5000 ppm is regarded as potentially dangerous to human health, especially if accompanied by reduced oxygen levels.[/FONT]
[FONT=Chicago, Courier New, Courier, mono](1.5%). At this level, people can suffer symptoms within an hour or two. [/FONT]
[FONT=Chicago, Courier New, Courier, mono]At and up, people can suffer serious symptoms, including nausea, dizziness, mental depression, shaking, visual disturbances and vomiting. If exposure persists, people may pass out, and if levels continue to increase, they may die.[/FONT]