Black-yellow is the hot supply wire.. Com is connected to the not hot line from the supply, and the otherone is internally connected to that for convenience.. Its identical to the hps without cap wiring.. The com are just input/output passthroughs.. Makes wiring simpler since if you notice from the diagram, with only one com wire from the source you need to span the power cord from the ballast to the socket, which isn't convenient remotely.. The ignitor wires just like in that picture, just match colors..
Use proper sized marettes for the connections, and use a 3 wire cord and attach the green to the chassis for safety..
Capacitors alter the power-factor of the RLC circuit comprised of the lamp, coil, and capactitance of the circuit in general.. There is still capacitance involved without a capacitor because capacitance is an intrinsic aspect of material.. If you want to understand the theory, read up on RLC circuits..