NEED HELP - Curling/bending leaves


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first grow so I'm pretty new to everything. My plant is 6 days old from seed and i noticed the leaves are curling weird but i wouldnt say welting. I had 3 13w CFL on it and a 75w philips blue indoor plant light which seemed to give off quite a bit of heat. I replaced it with a 23w 5000k CFL.

Any reasons why this would be happening? All help is much appreciatedIMG_1963.jpgIMG_1964.jpg.


Active Member
soil is miracle grow african violet (i know lots of people hate on MG but its one of he only soils i could find around my area)..
also i let the top get crusty before watering it, before when i had the 75w light on it i was watering once a day but its alot cooler in there now with the 23w CFL. should i give it a couple days and see if it fixes itself?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I start in cups just like you! I go 5-7 days with no watering. Stick your finder into the soil and make sure you feel no moisture at about 1,1 1/2 Inches down. Also add a little lime on top of the soil and water as needed don't over water it will work its way in. mg soil will work a lot better if lime is added. African violet was probably the best choice for cannabis. I think your problem is overwatering which has released a lot of nutes on the soil and is over feeding your young girl. (Twisting) probably from ph issue caused by over water and nutes. This is why I said add some lime to help raise the ph. Do a little research and you should do very well, don't over care for your girl remember less is more.


Active Member
would they have a micro nutrient supplement at places like wal-mart, home deopt, rona, etc..? and thanks for the help


Active Member
You might be able to find some "glacial rockdust" or "trace mineral additive" at one of em. Just order it offline, the stuff is cheap.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I would like to add a little more. Dolomite Lime can also be bought at just about any local hardware store that has a garden center it's about $5 for. 50lb bag I believe I only bought one bag along time ago!! It's also an anti bacterial to help keep your root zone clean. To apply just sprinkle the top of the soil about 1/2 a table spoon and just let it work its way in a massive change in ph can cause a stressed out plant you should not change the ph more then half a point in one day but I have never had a problem.