Need help deciding between ebb and grow type system and RDWC system


Hi everyone
new to this forum. forum i am usualy own has died down and there seems to be a lot of activity here so thought i would ask my question here.

Ive done hours and HOURS of research on the 2 systems but havent really found anything that says one is better than the other. ive been growing for 16 years. past few years have been ebb and flow with 4x4 tables. I am revamping the room and going with fewer bigger plants due to plant restrictions.

the plan is a 36 plant system with 9 plants per 1000w. Res would be on the outside of the room and should not be a problem to keep cool. I was planning on getting the ebb n grow system but the guy i deal with at the hydro shop says i should go with some sort of RDWC system that they use that has a continious flow of water threw the buckets and you adjust the water level as the roots get bigger.

Does anyone have any reasons one would be better than the other?

the continious flowing water in his RDWC scares me a bit cause of the chance of root rot. and the ebb n grow systems worries me about flooding the room

any advice on systems, plants per light set up? or any other info you can give me would be greatly apreciated. i ahve to make a decision by the end of the week

Thanking you in advance for any info

Happy growing and stay safe

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
check out Heath Robinsons threads here and at icmag.
He grows trees in a RDWC/undercurrent type system made out of modified waterfarms


most of the undercurrent systems i've seen have had a lot less than 36 units...might be less practical for your purposes. If you had like 8-10 plants under 2K watts, then undercurrent would be the way to go. But you can still grow TREES in ebb and gro systems, with pretty minimal risk or hassle.


my guy at the hydro place is pretty confident that he can help me build one that will work with 36 plants.

but is one system better than the other? is one system more prone to root rot?

is one more prone to system faillure?

thanks you so much everyone