Need help determining if this is a herm, please help


Active Member
Sorry if this would be better suited in the newbie central but i figured this was the best place. Anyways, I've recently grown 10 plants with seeds from nirvana; 5 female so i thought, and 5 male. The plant in question was my bushiest female so I was examining her closely and found 3 pods that looked like male "balls." This is my first grow so i'm not sure if this is a herm or just a bud in process so help would be appreciated.

Hope these pics are adequate, they took forever to get properly focused :P



Active Member
I circled the "balls" in question to make it easier to see what i'm saying, but after many tries i don't think i can get any better angles.
Have the same issue right now bro and I am trying to get help. I mean your looks female but those two pods u can't tell. Could just be pistils trying to develop white hairs. Mine sprouted like crazy on one side of my 3ft tall female. I think it could of turned but it is hard to define.


Active Member
Have the same issue right now bro and I am trying to get help. I mean your looks female but those two pods u can't tell. Could just be pistils trying to develop white hairs. Mine sprouted like crazy on one side of my 3ft tall female. I think it could of turned but it is hard to define.
Looks like a Hermie to me


Active Member
If this is the only plant and the only "balls", I'd suggest to simply chop the male flowers off and keep a close eye on your plants every day for new signs.


Well-Known Member
Can't tell for certain yet . . . just keep an eye on it for now.

Beat me to the punch, Slim.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I circled the "balls" in question to make it easier to see what i'm saying, but after many tries i don't think i can get any better angles.
I noticed the ball sacks before they were circled, so I'm sure that's what it is. Save it for breeding or kill it before it pollinates your females