Need help diagnosing plants


Well-Known Member
Hotrodharley, I guess you are right in the sense that "they" are accurate, but could you yourself look at a ph color test and tell me what the ph is exactly? I agree that meters are unreliable at times, I just wish they had a number scale instead of a color scale.
As a medical professional, in my field we use meters calibrated daily accurate to 0.01% EC. For chloramines we use simple swirl sticks and check the color againts a chart. Our MOST critical test as any chloramine from city water, or any residual bleach from our twice weekly disinfections by bleach, would lead to some degree of patient harm ranging from partial hemolysis to all the way to patient death from widespread hemolysis. So I guess I am used to judging color by guides.
I'm leaning more towards zinc deficiency now that I've looked at the chart again. I'm going to experiment tomorrow and give a couple of my plants nutrients and see if they start improving. Does anyone know if "sensi cal and Mg mix" has zinc in it? I don't see it listed. Is their zinc in roots organic "buddha grow"? Kind of specific questions, can anyone just tell me how to give plants zinc?


Active Member
I wouldn't agree with the flush. It doesn't look severe enough to warrant one. Are they still growing? Maybe back of the nutes a ml or two but don't flush them. That will cause further stress.
sress of the flush??
thers 3 out 6 leaves where burned...the proper solution in this situation is to give them time to recover...(wait with the nutrients)so give them just PH balanced water for couple of days.


Well-Known Member
when i was younger it was cool to put this Zinc paste on you nose and walk around the beach in extremely gay ass shorts....get a micro brew, and start feeding your ladies with a nice veg formula. they will thank you for it


Well-Known Member
sress of the flush??
thers 3 out 6 leaves where burned...the proper solution in this situation is to give them time to recover...(wait with the nutrients)so give them just PH balanced water for couple of days.[/QUOT

you said the word 'flush' thats all. flush is pouring lots of water through the medium which could potentially lead to other complications e.g damping off and other root damage and in this case wouldnt be needed. sorry for the confusion.