need help diagnosing this deficiency


Well-Known Member
Can't pin point the problem.

I'm currently in week 5 flower. This started happening to me in week 3. Wasn't very bad but has progressed into week 5 . I flushed in week 4 with Ph'd water and resumed fertilization.

I'm using bloom yellow bottles nutrients.
Using Sphagnum Peat Moss as medium
3 gal pots.
PH 6.5



Active Member
It could be a phosphorus deficiency but I'm not 100% sure. If it is then, solution: Check the pH and flush system. An excess of Fe and Zn may cause a phosphorus deficiency. If you've tried everything else, then you may try adding a bit more phosphorus to your feeding schedule and see if that helps clear up the problem. Cannabis plants love phosphorus, and therefore it is unlikely that you will give your cannabis too much phosphorus.


Well-Known Member
na , its not phosphorus . Phos. Def. leaves dark blotches in your leafs. thanks for the input tho.


Well-Known Member
stop flushing the nutrients your plant needs out of your soil man...feed it...give it cal/mag at this point. If you don't have calmag go pickup some powdered dolomite lime and sprinkle a couple tablespoons on the top as a dressing and water it. :)


Well-Known Member
i've been using 80 to 100 ml of cal mag for 50 gal res. I know it says to use 5ml per gal which would equal like 200ml but fuck that , its way to much and my nutrients have some cal-mag in them already (my base A and B) .

*Buds* , Bloom nutrients is the shit ! you should check them out. I highly recommend using the "phat" "ooze" and "final" its got (Tri-continal) , extracted from the alph-alpha plant. Very good stuff !

IMO Ph at 6.5 is perfect. Nutrients are accepted very well at this lvl.!