need help drug test comming up


Well-Known Member
Its important to piss before the test so the THC that has gathered in your bladder (If the urine is in your bladder it will gather THC no matter how much you drink) can be expelled and let new clean urine in to pass the test. Although google could have told you that much more quickly :P


Well-Known Member
Its important to piss before the test so the THC that has gathered in your bladder (If the urine is in your bladder it will gather THC no matter how much you drink) can be expelled and let new clean urine in to pass the test. Although google could have told you that much more quickly :P
When you piss during the test...
You should always piss, and gather the sample after expelling around 50% of the urine.

Google tells you to do some pretty obscure things. One of the first links tells you to take a shit load of Tylenol...


Well-Known Member
Ya I drank a shit ton of water before a piss test and pissed too clean, they never told me this but three days later when the cops picked me up from a random piss I failed. So chug the water, and don't smoke for a few days after the test.


Well-Known Member
See, its when you listen to retards like this that you get in trouble. The entire point of taking Niacin, or any b vitamin complex for a drug test, is to MAKE YOUR PISS YELLOW. If your piss is CLEAR they will REFUSE the drug test due to diluting probability.

The idea is to dilute your piss by drinking a ton of water so you'll pass, and covering up the fact that you diluted with a B vitamin.

Oh, and Niacin's "Flushing qualities" are related to FEELING FLUSH after taking it (opening blood vessels) NOT to flushing the THC in your blood down an imaginary toilet.

For the love of God, learn how to use the internet.
Niacin makes you feel flush, but it also gets rid of toxins in your body, which i would consider a flush. Anyways, i suggested drinking water and eating food because if you dont the niacin will cause you to be itchy and hot (drinking lots of fluids makes your piss clear, correct?). I know of 3 people who were on my team that passed using this method (2 being heavy smokers). I know of many other heavy-smoking athletes that used this with success. It not gaurentee, no, what is? He asked for advice, i gave him mine.

"Niacin causes your capillaries (small blood vessels) in your body to get wider (bigger). The capillaries are usually extremely small and blood passes through them very slowly. The inherent problem with this is that capillaries are the main way for your body to rid itself of toxins. Your arteries, in comparison, are much larger than capillaries and can carry more blood and at a faster rate, but they do not come near the majority of your body. Arteries are the "highways" of your body and capillaries are more like the small town road that you exit off of the highway from in order to get to your house. Your house, in this example, would be a cell somewhere in a remote part of your body that is full of toxins. Without sufficient blood flow (oxygen, and everything that comes along with it), this cell cannot rid itself of its' toxins. Now, imagine your city widening the road that leads by your house -- the traffic would increase right and they would probably increase the speed limit from 25 to say 45 or 50 right? Well, the same is true for your capillaries! They will carry more blood, and at a faster rate. The end result is that your cells now have more blood to rid themselves of toxins throughout your body as the capillaries get wider!"


Well-Known Member
When will you learn that there is a difference between giving people useful information, and giving people misleading information. Niacin absolutely WILL NOT help you remove enough THC from your body to make any difference in a drug test. Period. The fact that this has worked for "athletes" is more then likely because they have a higher metabolism and lower body fat composition then your average person because of their constant exercise. THC just happens to be fat soluble and store its self in fat cells. It might also seem to help because they are diluting their urine, which is what is allowing them to pass the drug test.

For anyone who does not know this; Niacin is used in combination with drug tests to keep your piss yellow (which is completely necessary for a drug test). Anything else it is doing for your body (out side of possibly giving you energy and making you feel good) is completely negligible.

Now that is information that you DO NOT have to worry about making you FAIL an IMPORTANT drug test.

Niacin makes you feel flush, but it also gets rid of toxins in your body, which i would consider a flush. Anyways, i suggested drinking water and eating food because if you dont the niacin will cause you to be itchy and hot (drinking lots of fluids makes your piss clear, correct?). I know of 3 people who were on my team that passed using this method (2 being heavy smokers). I know of many other heavy-smoking athletes that used this with success. It not gaurentee, no, what is? He asked for advice, i gave him mine.

"Niacin causes your capillaries (small blood vessels) in your body to get wider (bigger). The capillaries are usually extremely small and blood passes through them very slowly. The inherent problem with this is that capillaries are the main way for your body to rid itself of toxins. Your arteries, in comparison, are much larger than capillaries and can carry more blood and at a faster rate, but they do not come near the majority of your body. Arteries are the "highways" of your body and capillaries are more like the small town road that you exit off of the highway from in order to get to your house. Your house, in this example, would be a cell somewhere in a remote part of your body that is full of toxins. Without sufficient blood flow (oxygen, and everything that comes along with it), this cell cannot rid itself of its' toxins. Now, imagine your city widening the road that leads by your house -- the traffic would increase right and they would probably increase the speed limit from 25 to say 45 or 50 right? Well, the same is true for your capillaries! They will carry more blood, and at a faster rate. The end result is that your cells now have more blood to rid themselves of toxins throughout your body as the capillaries get wider!"


Well-Known Member
i would think since thc binds with fat cells that you would have to do this regime it may work may not im going ot try it as i have to pass a dt ina few weeks and i guess im on and off smoker depends on when it comes around so on average i smoke half a G a day at the end of my work day so i work for 12 hours come home get backed eat drink go to bed while at work i move alot drink water regualrly so i assume tht the thc in my boddy is at a medium level now to pass a DT im not sure about the niacin and b12 ill try both but you first need to STOP SMMOKEING COMPLETLY for at least a week icf not two this will automaticly drop the leves in your system as the boddy flushes its self every day thats what kidneys are for so that in conjuction with at least 1-2 gallons of water a DAY not at once ( through the day gives your body tiem to circulate all the fluids iont he body and explell bad ones ) ( drink all that water at once and it passes through you ) now also you need to excersice you dont have to do a triathalon but you will need to sweat not to sweat out the thc but to use styored carbs ie fat so youll need to excersize a decent amounth my self i run for about two miles aday prior to my dt and i also try to be as activve as possible not sit around and alow more fat cells to accumulate now a quck method of this is sitting on and aerobics bike put on a sweat suit and put a trash balck over your self put on the hood etc and have water hand hook up your ipdo and go to town now this is not only hard but alot of stress on the body it will casue you to sweat about aout 20 to 30 percent body water big chance of getting dehidrated that why you need water sdo this every other day 20 mins and youll notice not only clear pee but a huge weight drop what ever notw dop al this together for a week or two and i woud say you should be good


Well-Known Member
hey man, im on felony probation and have passed 20-22 times now for the year with a detox drink, the reason i failed 2 times was because i ate food thinkin that i had to for some reason, well thats bad, the new directions on there tell me not to eat dairy, caffeine, or food 3 hours prior to testing. you will drink the drink, wait 15 mins and fill back up with water, drink that, and wait bout 5 mins and just drink about 2 more bottles filled back up with water if u can. piss about 4-5 times. then on ur last one, i like to piss just a lil bit and hold it till i get there. Just make sure that ur piss looks clear on the last two times u piss. itll look clear when its goin into the cup for him, but it will quickly change color from the creatine and vitimins. Basically meaning that it will be diluted, but ur creatinine levels will be up and thats part of the test. so it wont show up preliminery or somethin. If your over 200 lbs, id drink 2 drinks. LOOK FOR THESE AT LOCAL GAS STATIONS OR DRUG STORES, NOT GNC, IF YOUR ARE PAYING MORE THEN $30 DO NOT BUY IT, THEY ARE ALLLL THE SAME, NONE OF THEM ARE BETTER. if u need help tho, PM me, good luck


Well-Known Member
i would think since thc binds with fat cells that you would have to do this regime it may work may not im going ot try it as i have to pass a dt ina few weeks and i guess im on and off smoker depends on when it comes around so on average i smoke half a G a day at the end of my work day so i work for 12 hours come home get backed eat drink go to bed while at work i move alot drink water regualrly so i assume tht the thc in my boddy is at a medium level now to pass a DT im not sure about the niacin and b12 ill try both but you first need to STOP SMMOKEING COMPLETLY for at least a week icf not two this will automaticly drop the leves in your system as the boddy flushes its self every day thats what kidneys are for so that in conjuction with at least 1-2 gallons of water a DAY not at once ( through the day gives your body tiem to circulate all the fluids iont he body and explell bad ones ) ( drink all that water at once and it passes through you ) now also you need to excersice you dont have to do a triathalon but you will need to sweat not to sweat out the thc but to use styored carbs ie fat so youll need to excersize a decent amounth my self i run for about two miles aday prior to my dt and i also try to be as activve as possible not sit around and alow more fat cells to accumulate now a quck method of this is sitting on and aerobics bike put on a sweat suit and put a trash balck over your self put on the hood etc and have water hand hook up your ipdo and go to town now this is not only hard but alot of stress on the body it will casue you to sweat about aout 20 to 30 percent body water big chance of getting dehidrated that why you need water sdo this every other day 20 mins and youll notice not only clear pee but a huge weight drop what ever notw dop al this together for a week or two and i woud say you should be good

This information is mostly on track. Except that you want to burn FAT not CARBS. They are completely different things. Exercising above 65-75% of your maximum heart rate (depending on your V02 Max, or fitness level) will burn mostly carbohydrates. Now burning carbs isnt a 'bad' thing. It can help help keep your hearth healthy, build lactic acid tollerance in the muscles you are using, and raise your resting metabolic rate; which will inturn help you burn more fat calories on a daily basis even at rest.


Exercising at 65% of your max heart rate (and possibly less depending on your level of fitness) will burn a higher percentage of fat then carb. Its much easier on your body, and you can do it for a long ass time to burn mass fat (which is where the nasties are hiding)!

I would say, based on this information, that it would probably be more effective to walk at a fast face for a few hours then to destroy yourself sweating out 10% of your body weight in water.


Well-Known Member
damn need help, that sucks, my levels at 50 ng, i think jobs test at 14 ng, i know they had gave me 3 diff ones when i start to see if i passed any of them , but i didnt lol, hes like how much did u smoke? i said about 2 joints a day haha, so he ttried the 14, a 30 and a 50, and i didnt pass any so it went to the lab and now all i have to do is not smoke more then 2 joints a day and i still pass


Well-Known Member
hey man, im on felony probation and have passed 20-22 times now for the year with a detox drink, the reason i failed 2 times was because i ate food thinkin that i had to for some reason, well thats bad, the new directions on there tell me not to eat dairy, caffeine, or food 3 hours prior to testing. you will drink the drink, wait 15 mins and fill back up with water, drink that, and wait bout 5 mins and just drink about 2 more bottles filled back up with water if u can. piss about 4-5 times. then on ur last one, i like to piss just a lil bit and hold it till i get there. Just make sure that ur piss looks clear on the last two times u piss. itll look clear when its goin into the cup for him, but it will quickly change color from the creatine and vitimins. Basically meaning that it will be diluted, but ur creatinine levels will be up and thats part of the test. so it wont show up preliminery or somethin. If your over 200 lbs, id drink 2 drinks. LOOK FOR THESE AT LOCAL GAS STATIONS OR DRUG STORES, NOT GNC, IF YOUR ARE PAYING MORE THEN $30 DO NOT BUY IT, THEY ARE ALLLL THE SAME, NONE OF THEM ARE BETTER. if u need help tho, PM me, good luck
Just so everyone knows, the only thing in the "Drinks" that you can take that helps is the B vitamins, which just keep your piss yellow. Not a single thing they put in those drinks (yes including the creatinine, which is the worthless compound that creatine turns into when it's been mixed with liquid for to long) has been proven to help pass a drug test in any way.

So what I'm saying is its cheaper to buy a bottle of B vitamin complex that you can use to help pass a bunch of drug tests for the same price.


Well-Known Member
The drinks work, somehow, someway they work.
I have used them 4 times, but they cost more then I want to spend anymore.


Detox drink intake aids you in passing drug tests. But, how does the detox drink work? The toxic substances in your body get stored in the fat cells. When the fat cells burn, the toxins are released. Detox drink prevents the burning of fat cells thereby delaying the release of toxins in your body. Reports reveal that detox drink intake guarantees 99% success in the drug tests.

^^^Directly from a medical site^^^


Well-Known Member thats a link to the same website you linked.

"Get to know the comments on the innumerous detox drinks available. Ensure that you go through the user reviews and perform a detailed research on the guaranteed urine detox drinks available before you go ahead and purchase one!"

That is a quote from the detox drinks page. The only problem is that they dont work like they advertise (thats obviously why they tell you to research before you buy)! The more research you do, the more ridiculous those drinks are.

Some of those drink can be really effective though. Effective at turning your pee yellow, and having directions that tell you to drink lots of water and pee before a few times before the test. I really hate to have to drive this home, but people really need to know. Those drinks are a money making gimmick.

However, the other test passing methods such as the pills you let disolve in the pee, or the fake pee, are fail proof. The fake pee is fail proof as long as someone isnt watching you, duh, and the tempature of the samle is high enough. Which is why they give you heating pads with them.

My ability to live life the way I have too to stop my health from getting worse has been dependant on me being able to pass piss tests. I have spent WAY too much time studying this crap, and I promise my information is accurate.

Not trying to perp on anyone. I am just hyper aware off the fact that failing a stupid drug test can drastically change your life for the worse.

*sigh* One day it will be legal, but intill then we've all got to try and stay ahead of the curve.

The drinks work, somehow, someway they work.
I have used them 4 times, but they cost more then I want to spend anymore.


Detox drink intake aids you in passing drug tests. But, how does the detox drink work? The toxic substances in your body get stored in the fat cells. When the fat cells burn, the toxins are released. Detox drink prevents the burning of fat cells thereby delaying the release of toxins in your body. Reports reveal that detox drink intake guarantees 99% success in the drug tests.

^^^Directly from a medical site^^^


Well-Known Member
thank you for the corrections as for swqeating thast only in extreme times like you find out two or three days before you have to take it just my twop cents


Well-Known Member
I understand what you are saying, don't get me wrong. I have taken these drinks, 3 hours before my drug tests. I didn't drink a shit load of water with them. I only pee'd maybe twice, three times at most before the test. I PAST.

Now it could just be because of my metabolism.
It could also be because I run over a mile every day.

But you(relativeood) being a person with more knowledge then me in this area, obviously would agree with me that every person is different when passing a drug test.

There is no true way to get clean in a few hours. The best way to passing a dug test is to be clean. It's simple.


Well-Known Member
I understand what you are saying, don't get me wrong. I have taken these drinks, 3 hours before my drug tests. I didn't drink a shit load of water with them. I only pee'd maybe twice, three times at most before the test. I PAST.

Now it could just be because of my metabolism.
It could also be because I run over a mile every day.

But you(relativeood) being a person with more knowledge then me in this area, obviously would agree with me that every person is different when passing a drug test.

There is no true way to get clean in a few hours. The best way to passing a dug test is to be clean. It's simple.

Cant argue that!