NEED HELP - excessive curling of new growth going into flowering


Well-Known Member
• Plants dried out a bit, in soil so its oh k. i noticed that bud sites and new growth was kinda hindered. they were curing lover and the end of the new growth was dry... this may be because it was growing too fast and dried out

• watered plants and today i check them out, and it seems the new growth is curling excesivly. it looks like its water logged. and there is still the damage from the drying out / nute burn.

so any help would be apricated. i have watered a lot and hope for some answers


Well-Known Member
What is your temperature at? Sometimes leafs transpire to keep themselves cool and they will curl up.


Well-Known Member
• Plants dried out a bit, in soil so its oh k. i noticed that bud sites and new growth was kinda hindered. they were curing lover and the end of the new growth was dry... this may be because it was growing too fast and dried out

• watered plants and today i check them out, and it seems the new growth is curling excesivly. it looks like its water logged. and there is still the damage from the drying out / nute burn.

so any help would be apricated. i have watered a lot and hope for some answers
What are you using for a medium?
What is the current PH of your water and your soil?
What nutrients are you using?
How often are you feeding the plant?
Have you flushed the plants soil?
What is the temp and humidity in flower area?
Can you please provide pictures?

Most problems are from over fertilization, over watering or a PH problem.

You'll get far more help, and accurate at that, if you provide more details and pictures.


Well-Known Member
soild medium,
ph of water is about 6.8, soil is a rich, part potting soil part compost. feeding the plant kinda speraticly, but before this happened for like a week i dident feed cause i knew i had too much. still for that week it dident dry out and i guess cause of that it dident burn in that much time.

actually, now few days after im getting stange white spots on my plants, it looks like a fugus not a mold. i cut a bunch of leafs off. ill try to do a photo later.


Well-Known Member
any pics. sometimes a rich compost will give them to much pot ash. and the leaves will curl. or if you add wood ash. id beat its rich. id flush.