need help first time grower here


hello everyone ? is wat kind of setup do i need to grow my first plant ..i want to kno wat kind of light im a need planing to grow two plants in my closet...if uyou can, list all the things i need to grow a healthy plant..thank u


How big are you planning on these plants getting?

You need -

A decent grow light (many options available) - start with a 250w M.H. (and get a H.P.S. conversion bulb)
Plants in a medium - Soil is fine, I like miracle grow soil but it can be pricey, Are you planning on using seeds or getting clones?
Nutrients?- again- lots of options, if you are using untreated/used soil nutrients will certainly be necessary from the start.

and Air Circulation- depending on your conditions, a box fan might be able to work; otherwise you may need to install a exhaust fan from your closet to outside.

I hope I helped, try to make any more questions you have a little more specific ;)