need help from exoerienced growers

I get alot of great help from people on here do here goes I have a natural gas heater on the first floor. Now the heat travels upstairs, now does the co2 produced go up too or is it to heavy to float up w the heat. Now my grow room is 82.5°, and 50% humidity, I have fans blowing around the room but any help ful advice would be great for im having a blast learning from everyone and I just want everuone know im very thankful for everything. Whats the ideal temp and humidity ?


Do you have an exhaust fan sucking air out of the room (so fresh air is sucked in)? If so, you're probably pulling in enough CO2 to be fine. Generally CO2 is heavy and will settle lower.

"Ideal" is a funny word, but for a non-CO2 enriched environment I think 77ish day & 65ish night are ideal for me. 82 is nothing to freak out about , though.

50% RH is fine although some like to push it a little lower in later flower (40%) to avoid mold. If you don't have that issue (I never have indoors) 50% should do you just fine. The trick is, as the plants grow they transpire more and faster so RH tends to rise over the grow.



Well-Known Member
thats good temp and humidity(ideal between 80-90 w/ co2 and humidity between 20-50% is good) with Co2 supp. tho i would still watch out for mold and such. as for the co2, it will rise with the heat but should settle out, just make sure your room is sealed up good so you dont lose too much co2 and vent regularly so you dont get a build up of co2. without a monitor/meter its kinda hard to use combustion as a source for co2, but the math can be calculated look up some info on google.