NEED HELP Furnace in the same room as Your plants?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've been growing for almost 10 years never ever had a problem at all everything always went great have been getting greast results and yields better and better EVERY time.. so I stepped it up to a larger building invested alot, and I am doing the exact same things I always have with 100% great success before and in this new building i have had a problem ever since I started with leaves growing all twisted and deformed and clawing sometimes mostly trwised and deformed and ending up yellowing out from top to bottom and getting all kinds of different deficiencies from phosphorus to magnesium pretty much all deficiencies seems like you could think of and I'm using the exact same things same soil, nutes, ph levels, ppms ect I'VE FLUSHED and checked the run off many times and EVERYTHIBG checks out... it was a sealed room at first with a co2 burner which my other room wasnt so thought that could be my problem so I turned it all of and have fresh air coming in now for almost a month and nope it didn't help, the ONLY difference I could think of is the guy that helped put this room togrther who is suppo as to be a "professional" HVAC guy , put the furnace directly in the grow room with the plants thats literally the only difference in this room that I can even come up with could that be my problem some how I no?? I REALLY NEED TO FIGURE OUT THIS ISSUE I'VE INVESTED ALOT OF MONEY AND TIME AND I AM WASTING SO MUCH MORE MONEY AND TIME ON THESE FAILING PLANTS WHICH AGAIN CAN'T BE MY FAULT NOT TRYING TO SOUNDS LIKE I NO EVERYTHIBG WHICH I DON'T BUT I HAVE GROW FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS 2+ A LIGHT 20% THC AND UP AND NOW ALL OF USUDDEN EVERYTHInG IS FUCKING UP i feel like I an losing my mind over this as I can't figure out my problem ... ALSO I HAVE CHECKED 1000 TIMES OVER AND OVER THE ROOTS FOR APHIDS AND THE LEAVES FOR MITES ECT.. NONE TO BE FOUND I'VE CHECKED SO MUCH I CAN GARUNTEE AT THIS POINT THERE ISN'T ANY THANKS IN ADVANCED GUYS ON ANY FEEDBACK!!! SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG POST
Shouldn't matter whatsoever unless it's not vented. What kind of furnace is it (gas, propane, oil, low or high efficiency)
I've scoped literally probably 1000 leaves if not more on my hunt to figure this out for about 2 months no signs of mites I can garunteed there not mites a t this point I've had them years ago and buddy's have had them I know what it looks like and whatnot like I said I've scoped scoped scoped and then scoped again .. at this point I wish they were so I knew what my problem was I will post some pictures which won't probably help because there's literally all kinds of deficiencies and I've already went through all this every single thing is on point and just having some kind of issue with this room I took 3 plants out of this room and set up a light ast my home and they bounced right out of it ... I have to much invested on this building and equipment to move or give up tho :(
Here's the pictures I know everyone's gonna say mites, root aphids, magnesium deficiency phosphorus lock out and so on and so fourth, add more of this less of that and what not but im telling you theres something toxic in the air or something going on in this room that is killing my plants I've used my formula of nutes for years and years 100s of different strains never had any issues (besides when I first started off of course 10 years ago) I've got everything dialed in, ive pulled every root ball and soil out of there pots 50 times each probably stawring at the roots and searching and scoping for aphids for hrs and hrs nothing there, scoped every leaf on every plant at this point no mites nothing!!! :( i seriously widh thete were mites so i at least knew what the problem was ...


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I've flushed and tested run off perfect .. ppms on point.. literally everything is perfect besides the plants like I said I took 3 plants out of this room and home under a light I set up they came back .... what mystery problem am I having ... :(


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that IS NOT mite damage, tell us more about this furnace, does it have a pilot light? Is it an old gravity furnace, or does it have a fan that vents the gases?
This looks like the problem with the cheap Chinese grow tents that were off gassing and reacting with the light from HID which created the "room of death". What is the building materials used? any glues? paints?

I have 2 natural gas water heaters and a furnace in the room next to my grow tent room. All the air feeds into it from there, if the furnace was the problem the CO2 from the furnace would make your plants grow great and make you very dead.
I'm thinking atmosphere. Something from the interior plus the heater plus larger room and new air movement/exchange parameters. One batch of bad medium could do it as well
Good luck
I've scoped literally probably 1000 leaves if not more on my hunt to figure this out for about 2 months no signs of mites I can garunteed there not mites a t this point I've had them years ago and buddy's have had them I know what it looks like and whatnot like I said I've scoped scoped scoped and then scoped again .. at this point I wish they were so I knew what my problem was I will post some pictures which won't probably help because there's literally all kinds of deficiencies and I've already went through all this every single thing is on point and just having some kind of issue with this room I took 3 plants out of this room and set up a light ast my home and they bounced right out of it ... I have to much invested on this building and equipment to move or give up tho :(
I got the solution., Go back to your house and grow there., Maybe that building is cursed!!
This looks like the problem with the cheap Chinese grow tents that were off gassing and reacting with the light from HID which created the "room of death". What is the building materials used? any glues? paints?

I have 2 natural gas water heaters and a furnace in the room next to my grow tent room. All the air feeds into it from there, if the furnace was the problem the CO2 from the furnace would make your plants grow great and make you very dead.
furnace give off carbon MONOxide, c02 is what they put in soda to make it fizzy
It's got brick walls with that white paint look on top if you no what I mean.. the ceiling in the rafters which are like 20 - 25 ft high is some kind of insulation .. this used to be a auto repair and supply store like a auto zone it's a huge commercial size building I really can't just go home and grow I don't even want to say how much I have invested in this building and equipment just no I have 5 years contract to pay the buulding off so it's way up there it's not like I can just quit and grow at home this was suppose to be a huge project commercial style ... I will take pictures of the room and furnace tmrw and post them up and see what you guys think.. I'll post pictures of the walls the ceiling, floor, the insulation which starts like 1/4th of the top of the wall and onto the ceiling for some reason there a couple drains on the floor on the room as well.. I know it has to be something in the atmosphere some kind of toxin / gas / something just not if you guys help me figure this out I'll owe you my life if your I'm Michigan I'll give you a HUGE CARE PACKAGE LOL I got alot riding on this and it's gonna give me a metal breakdown Seriously thanks guy and gals
What is the temp of your dirt? Read from about 4 -6 inches down

The room is 77 - 79 degrees at all time until lights go out then I have it drop to 72 - 74 the soil is temp I have 14 fans on walls great air movement and circulation also have the plants on root platforms keeping them a 2 - 3 inches off the ground while in there saucers ... I've checked everything at this point and no problems it has something to do with what kingtitans and dr.magill are saying I just need to figure out exactly what so I can live without this over my head and go on With my life it's pretty much ruining my life at this point
I am thinking that you have damaged the root tips. SO much and many different lock out signs. What are the chances that you have watered already wet plants with too warm water? When was the last time you let them get light in the pot?
Here's the pictures I know everyone's gonna say mites, root aphids, magnesium deficiency phosphorus lock out and so on and so fourth, add more of this less of that and what not but im telling you theres something toxic in the air or something going on in this room that is killing my plants I've used my formula of nutes for years and years 100s of different strains never had any issues (besides when I first started off of course 10 years ago) I've got everything dialed in, ive pulled every root ball and soil out of there pots 50 times each probably stawring at the roots and searching and scoping for aphids for hrs and hrs nothing there, scoped every leaf on every plant at this point no mites nothing!!! :( i seriously widh thete were mites so i at least knew what the problem was ...

You dont get any funny smells while you are in the grow area? Did you recently paint the walls with "Killz" or anything like that? Is there water visible in the drains in the floor? Do you have a carbon monoxide tester you can buy from the hardware store & keep in the room? Microparticles from the insulation on the ceiling getting blown around onto the plants now that there are currently 15 fans moving air around? Based on looks alone in your pictures you provided, it looks like something was sprayed on the plants or they got too hot and close to a light the way the tips of leaves are burned and curled upwards. Is your RH the same as it was in your other space? Did they dry out and get thirsty at one time due to a low RH in the new room? I wouldn't go changing a bunch of shit in a mad scramble, cus then if it gets better (or worse) -you have no idea what did it.
furnace give off carbon MONOxide, c02 is what they put in soda to make it fizzy

Maybe the furnace is not burning effectively giving off monoxides instead of dioxides? Donno but I use my hot water heater as Co2 in the mornings using a negative pressured room drawing down the Co2 from the flue down into my grow room. No issue with my plants.

Monoxides are created by ineffective combustion vs. dioxides I believe.