need help germinating!!! plz comment


New Member
ok im having a problem germinating its been well over a week and i still have them in water in my closet and one of them sank and the other one iis still floating i moved them to the middle of the stove and coverd them with a pot its alittle hotter there. what should i do is it bad seeds???


Well-Known Member
you shoulda germinated them with a damp paper towel within saran wrap. If you put too much moisture on the paper towel it'll rot the seeds so I figure dropping them in water isn't quite the best, although I know it works for a lot of people.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I would get some rapidrooter plugs or some rockwool plugs from the grow shop you can buy singles and small packs. Try that and put the top of a 2 litter bottle over them to help with humidity. Try that i never had luck with plastic bags or paper towel.