Need help germinating


Well-Known Member
Need germination help, I really do I think need some help.
I have soaked seeds for 30 minutes in a glass of water with just a drop of chlorine. Removed them and placed between layers of paper towels. Put distilled water on them until not quite dripping wet, lifted towels and let them drain off until no drops come off.
Put on plate and covered with light proof bowl, and on a very low temp heating pad.
2 days now and zip..nothing.
Am I doing this right?


Well-Known Member
im gonna pull up a chair and listen in cuz i havent been havin the best luck germing either


Well-Known Member
Dude really ? Look all yo need to do is .put you a wet paper towel on a plate .put your seeds on the paper towel. Put another paper towel over the put another plate over it all.just put them under your chair,in a cabinet,newere its pretty much dark most of the you wait you check the towels for a couple days and keep them it up in about 4 to 7 days you should have a taproot.if they dont sprout there bad seeds bottomline.


Well-Known Member
Two days is not long enough. My personal seeds i grow have tough seed coats. I file them some with an emery board NOT until I see white.

I just plant my seeds. i used to use a paper towel. It is my theory that letting them sprout in a paper towel might hurt the ever so important root hairs. I have no proof and I am pretty lazy.

I digress 2 days is not long enough, The heating pad on low may be too warm. The chlorine is to kill fungus that may be on the seeds. That may be optional but 1 drop in several ounces would not hurt


Well-Known Member
I used 2 paper towels ,2 plates and laid it on top of a cloth rag and put it on a heaten pad on low. seeds germinate in 24hrs. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Dude, its this simple.. Get a cup of water and put your seeds in it. Take the cup and put a cloth over the top of it and put it in a dark spot. I put mine in a cabinet above my frig. Keep it there until you notice the "white" root starting to take shape. You know what to do after that!!! All your seeds might not germinate at the same time. BE PATIENT!! It can take up to seven days, but I average about three days. This way of germinating has never let me down (Maybe a few times, but they were bad seeds to start). Try this method. IT WILL WORK!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I fold my seeds inside a paper towel and put them in a ziploc bag.

There are a hundred ways to do it. You just haven't waited long enough.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Cleef....Just be patient,,thats the best advice you will ever receive. Remember it takes 3 months before you see a finished product. Waiting for your seeds to germinate is the easy


Active Member
i did bowl,plate method= rinse two paper towel under hot sink water then squeeze some of the water out then fold them both into a square and put it on plate then get one paper towel and rinse under hot sink water then fold into square and put it on top of the paper towel and put bowl on top and let it sit for about 40 min to get to room temperature then lift up the bowl and paper towel and put the seeds on top of the paper towel and put the other paper towel on top of the seeds covering them and put the bowl on top covering them and put them in a dark place and keep the temperature between 75-85 degree. (i put mine in my closet and put my mini heater in there)Check on the seeds everyday and water them with distilled water if needed to and make sure they dont dry out. all mine worked like this


Active Member
I guess I'm old fashion...I do mine by planting them in a 2" cup with good potting soil place them under a 140w.cfl and keep watered.In three to five day's their up and in two weeks I soak the cup in 72 deg. distilled water 5.5ph till the dirt falls from the roots and I plant them in a 6" pot filled with a mixture of pearl lite and vermiculite and a way we go! Never fails unless you have bad seed!
Chlorine can be bad or risky on expensive seeds.


Well-Known Member
Well I switched them over from plate to baggie a few hours ago, so there is no lack of water.
Just concerned because these seeds I actually paid for. And I had tested some bag seeds before these and they didn't germinate either after a week of the paper towel\plate method. And I didn't use the ONE drop of bleach on them and they just rotted. They were kinda old tho, about 2 years old.
That's kinda why I used the ONE drop of bleach, to help kill off any fungus or bacteria.

Also I don't wanna use soil because I'm going hydro.


Well-Known Member
Dont use no bleach no heat pad no mini heater no hot water you dont need all that.thats way to much to do the easiest part of this i hate to say it but you should go read some more stuff and find out more info cause it can get really hard and expensive


Well-Known Member
man just throw some seed in a shot glass with bottled water place outside on a warm day or under a light takes a day or two. I was never able to do the towel method but i always get results with the shot glass. Good luck:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
also put them in soil as soon as you see them crack, Put the end with the little root coming out pointing down


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, square. Mine almost always take three days, sometimes it takes four, five or even six days. It will happen quicker if you can be at 85-90 degrees, but they will still start to germinate at room temperature too.


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys let the lil white root thing get before you plant the seed? do u plant as soon as the root pops out? or do u let it sit a few more days to grow bigger then plant? thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Checked em at noon today and finally after 60 hours 2 of 6 cracked open and got a small root. Will x-fer to rockwool after they get 1\4 to 1\2 inch, and then under a domed seed container with florescent light, light till big enough to put in the hyro system under MH light.
Whew, was sweating it for awhile cause I did some practice seeds before these of some old bagweed and they just rotted after a week and smelled really bad.