
New Member

Wassup everyone i just started growing i have attached a video with all the questions I have and all please guide me through this I want to make a successful plant.


I didn't get through it all,

Get a smaller container to start with, brown jiffy cup or a red party cup/solo cup as people call it.
Get a better soil you don't even know what's in your soil, I have no clue where it came from-what's in it-nothing about it. It has no perlite that I can see of any sorts
Don't water as much you have 1 small light on this huge pot full of wet soil with nothing to use the water and nothing to dry it at any rate of speed that is faster than watching paint dry. The bugs you probably see are gnats, which are because your soil is wet.
Look into better ways of germinating a seed. You can do it in dirt, I don't.
Get that light much closer, make sure you have 6500K.

Good luck.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Stoner! Congratulations on starting up your first grow! I wish you a lot of success and will try to help you as much as I can. I understand you don't have much money for this and you don't need too much but growing medium is super important and placing your seedling in that medium full of bugs and eggs is terrible , especially for a first grow.
I can see the bugs moving! that's pretty messed up.
My recommendation to you is remove your seed and get it into some good grow medium or your going to learn to hate growing very fast and the bugs might also bite you in your bed
. all the best, peace DAT


New Member
Hi Stoner! Congratulations on starting up your first grow! I wish you a lot of success and will try to help you as much as I can. I understand you don't have much money for this and you don't need too much but growing medium is super important and placing your seedling in that medium full of bugs and eggs is terrible , especially for a first grow.
I can see the bugs moving! that's pretty messed up.
My recommendation to you is remove your seed and get it into some good grow medium or your going to learn to hate growing very fast and the bugs might also bite you in your bed
. all the best, peace DAT
Mann yall are making me sad lol but thanks i am pretty sure it will sprout and like i have said i have a home remede for the pest they will be gone


New Member
Hi Stoner! Congratulations on starting up your first grow! I wish you a lot of success and will try to help you as much as I can. I understand you don't have much money for this and you don't need too much but growing medium is super important and placing your seedling in that medium full of bugs and eggs is terrible , especially for a first grow.
I can see the bugs moving! that's pretty messed up.
My recommendation to you is remove your seed and get it into some good grow medium or your going to learn to hate growing very fast and the bugs might also bite you in your bed
. all the best, peace DAT
And those are eggs?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I don't know what they are, its totally frightening to me to be honest. I thought you might be sleeping and I had a vision of you in bed. lol..this could be your little seedling as well. PLEASE stoner get new soil. Winsor_McCay_-_Dream_of_the_Rarebit_Fiend_(1909-06-05)_Mosquito_panel_6.png


New Member
Hi Stoner! Congratulations on starting up your first grow! I wish you a lot of success and will try to help you as much as I can. I understand you don't have much money for this and you don't need too much but growing medium is super important and placing your seedling in that medium full of bugs and eggs is terrible , especially for a first grow.
I can see the bugs moving! that's pretty messed up.
My recommendation to you is remove your seed and get it into some good grow medium or your going to learn to hate growing very fast and the bugs might also bite you in your bed
. all the best, peace DAT
K bro bad news i just went to dig up the soil and saw the plant And it was just about to sprout man pedals coming in and all so i placed it back will it still sprout and i have another seed if this plant gets fucked up ima just get new soil and start over

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
that's great news it sprouted! its ok, leave it in place for now.. get the new soil and then very gently take it out and replant it. Make sure you don't break the lil baby. you can do this I know you can! do not get the same type medium you have.. get to a grow store... a hydro store and ask nicely if you can purchase a lil soil for your lil pot. what is a gallon container? you don't need or want a huge bag of foxfarm soil but you do need good soil.. foxfarm is great stuff! or coco coir. see what they have and what they are willing to part with .. sometimes they have a ripped bag lying


New Member
that's great news it sprouted! its ok, leave it in place for now.. get the new soil and then very gently take it out and replant it. Make sure you don't break the lil baby. you can do this I know you can! do not get the same type medium you have.. get to a grow store... a hydro store and ask nicely if you can purchase a lil soil for your lil pot. what is a gallon container? you don't need or want a huge bag of foxfarm soil but you do need good soil.. foxfarm is great stuff! or coco coir. see what they have and what they are willing to part with .. sometimes they have a ripped bag lying
Yess i will ima get sum soil tmmrow

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
awesome stoner! im going to log off now and ill check back in with you tomorrow! Im so glad I can help you out!!! your going to grow a beautiful plant, I know it!
good night and don't let the bugs bite!! lol


Well-Known Member
K bro bad news i just went to dig up the soil and saw the plant And it was just about to sprout man pedals coming in and all so i placed it back will it still sprout and i have another seed if this plant gets fucked up ima just get new soil and start over
Buy some seedling mix a good one 5 bucks if u dont have much cash get some stones about the size of a penny wash em real good mix about 70% soil and 30% small washed stones will help with drainage.
Some ppl will disagree but u have nuts in seedling mix just the right amount to last u 2 to 3 weeks for a seedling then u can add nuts your self u dont need expensive ones just any plant food will work go real easy on it and when ur seedling pops water very little for the first week I mean just half a cup or so pour it 1 to 2 inches around the seedling not on it will help it root and seedling mix is a tiny bit damp follow this and ur plant will thrive for th first few week


Active Member
It looks like an egg but no clue. It's gonna be a little tuff if your not willing to spend a lil bit but you can most deffenetly get through a full harvest if you take good care. Airflow is a big plus and helpful with bugs and what not as well as your temps. The higher heat is helping that seedling sprout but when it starts to get taller it's going to be a problem. When you move her to new soil. Be very careful trying not to move it around a lot upsetting the root system can stun her stopping growth for a few days and possibly further damage in flowering (don't be skerd) just be as careful as you can and she'll be ok. Caution when watering not to soak it it can drown her an make her as well as your soil rot/mold. Fox fArm ocean Forrest is very nice a more water rententive soil and full of food. Also never tried it but I've heard a bowl of soapy water chillin there will help with bugs.

Suggestion once you move her to new soil I would suggest throwing her into flower (12/12) there's not much room under there and that light is gonna need some distance from the girl. I had a extra dr. Grinnspoon cutting just rooted about 2-3" tall threw her in my 12/12 in a one gallon, she finished off at about 2ft.