need help here......indoor grow want continuos supply

Here's what's going on......I have a giant wardrobe that i have gutted and it measures 2 feet (width) x 6 feet (height) and in the top is a hole (for the light).
I am only growing 1 plant in the wardrobe. What kind of light do I need for the vegetative stage? also............What kind of light do I need for the flowering stage?
I want to keep the one plant growing forever, and only want to have to take clippings as a harvest, so I basically want to take a little bit of weed at a time, and have that clipping but have bud growing back while I harvest little sections at a time and never lose that plant. How do I go about doing this?


i haven't heard of that being possible...the plant will get heavy with buds and eventually die, you can keep clones from it tho and keep them going ..keep the one plant for clone by not allowing it to flower, i would think you could cut it back ...ermmm this is a good question, i'm hoping others respond,lol
cuz i honestly have no idea,lol

thats a big enuff grow area you could section it off for seperation the clones from the flowering plants, i use the same light for germ and beg and flowering, i know other ppl switch em out. i use 30 watt 1750 lumens, you need between 1000 to 3000 lumen per sq ft of plants and a some folks use bluish lights and some use orange hues and others use bluish and pinkish, so i guess its all about preference and cost.

But the light/ lights need to be closer than ceiling height to a lil beginner plants! You also have to have a place for total darkness...once flowering begins :}

i wish you success and im so looking forward to seeing the other answers !


Well-Known Member
Here's what's going on......I have a giant wardrobe that i have gutted and it measures 2 feet (width) x 6 feet (height) and in the top is a hole (for the light).
I am only growing 1 plant in the wardrobe. What kind of light do I need for the vegetative stage? also............What kind of light do I need for the flowering stage?
I want to keep the one plant growing forever, and only want to have to take clippings as a harvest, so I basically want to take a little bit of weed at a time, and have that clipping but have bud growing back while I harvest little sections at a time and never lose that plant. How do I go about doing this?
For an area that small - if you section it off, one area for veg another for flower, cfls might work good for you; they will help keep your temps down. If you use cfls make sure you get the highest wattage you can get, and get 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower.

If you use an HID light, MH is for veg and HPS is for flowering.

Some people use one kind of light for veg and flowering, and you CAN do it, but you won't get the BEST possible results.

As far as harvesting a little bit at a time, I've never heard of that either, I don't think its possible to continue doing it. Maybe here and there for a short time, but after so long, the plant is simple done with its life cycle, and its game over.


Active Member
The best advice you can have:

-- Search through the "Newbie Central" area of the Forums. Even seasoned growers will learn good information from the stickies (posts selected to stay at the top of the page).
-- Search for "See-more-buds dvd1" on YouTube, click playlists (trust me on this one), and watch it all the way through. Then search for dvd2 and dvd3. Once you've watched them all the way through, watch them again. You'll be surprised what you notice on the second viewing.

There are a couple of setups very similar to what you're looking for in the see-more-buds videos. One in particular does exactly what you're talking about.

With a single-light system, most growers prefer High Pressure Sodium (HPS). If you want to use separate bulbs to alternate between vegetative growth and flowering, Metal-Halide bulbs tend to have more blue (used for veg growth), and HPS bulbs tend to have more red (used for flowering). For a single-plant setup, it's probably not worthwhile to buy a separate ballast or switching ballast and have to switch out the bulbs whenever you change cycles. You'll probably be fine on a 250-400W HPS bulb. Be careful not to burn the plants, as these lights get hot. Put your hand at the top of the plant. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for the plant... young plants are even more sensitive.

Things to consider:
-- Ventilation - The air should be completely changed out every 1-5 minutes, especially to avoid heat and bug issues. Ventilation moving the leaves and branches a little is also important.
-- Smell - As the plant matures, it will put off quite a smell... nice to us, though not something we want our neighbors to smell. Look into buying/making an Activated Carbon air filter for the out vent on the cabinet. The Do-It-Yourself section has some cheap home-made versions. This is my favorite:
-- Bugs - Sticky bug strips near the base of your plants can be an excellent early warning of bug problems. You don't want spider mites. Ever.

That basic info, and a couple viewings of those videos, and you will have designed yourself exactly what you want by the time you're done.
i just started the flowering stage at week 6 1/2 plants are about 15inches tall i want to clone my plants if female to have a consistent supply of bud. but i dont know how or when to so please help if you can ??? any advice would help......


Well-Known Member
i just started the flowering stage at week 6 1/2 plants are about 15inches tall i want to clone my plants if female to have a consistent supply of bud. but i dont know how or when to so please help if you can ??? any advice would help......
You can take clones anytime you want. what you are going to need to do is take a clone of your favorite plant, grow it into a mother and then start an assembly line.

Week 1 take a clone.
Week 3 take that clone out of cloner and plant in soil under veg lights and then take another clone from mother plant and start cloning.

Keep repeating that process until you get the first clone done with veg'ing and then move it to flower area.

I hope you understand what I'm doing here, if not ask questions. Basically if you veg for 4 - 6 weeks and flower for 8 weeks you'll have around 10 plants and be harvesting one plant a week. Anew one in the cloner while you take one out of flower, a rotating assembly line.


Active Member
i just started the flowering stage at week 6 1/2 plants are about 15inches tall i want to clone my plants if female to have a consistent supply of bud. but i dont know how or when to so please help if you can ??? any advice would help......
This is completely off the topic of the thread, but my advice is the same... read the post I made directly above your post. The videos I mentioned will be extremely helpful to you. Several gardens featured in them have expert clone setups. Then come back and read the rest of this post.

It's possible to take clones anytime, but best to do during vegetative growth. It's a bit stressful on the plant to take new cuttings during flowering, and could hinder the yield. If it must be done, just take a couple, and you can clone more from those two later without stressing the bud growth any more than necessary.

In the future, you'll save yourself a little hassle if you make a few clones at a relatively young age, then put one clone from each mother seed into the flowering stage. Once it shows its sex, you know what all the plants were from that mother seed. Destroy all the males, toss out the "test flower clones" (they aren't strong enough to support a bud of any size), put the female clones into veg, and your all-female garden is on its way.

Good luck!