Need Help/I am a nuub

Well, I got seeds from sum bud I got the other day, and I germinized them. I got three seeds in a pot, I watered it, but the germinated seeds in, and got a CFL Light bulb lamp with tinfoil wraped around it extending to the pot that is holding the seeds. Is there anything I need or w/e? I'm what yuu call poor, so any help that involves no money would be greatly appreciated :D

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sounds like he`s made a type of cone feom the foil to tunnel the light from the cfl??? i could be wrong,

for starters the three will be ok in one pot for a while but you will need to put them in seperate pots or you`ll get the roots tangled, after that prob get yourself another 1 or 2 cfl`s, which one are you useing by the way theres one for vegging and another for flower but anything over 23w 2700k should do you fine for both

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah it just not good practice, if you have a bulb or two a decent pot and a little love (some nutes too) you`ll be grand.... theres nothing too growing depends on how wrapped up you get in the hype, keep it simple and you`ll be fine ...


Well-Known Member
Plant food...........

No, no, no, no, no.

Get better nutes - otherwise, you're just wasting your time growing.

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Voodoo Juice
Big Bud
Bud Candy
