need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!


New Member
hey helping a buddy with a grow...only 3 soil (foxfarm)...curently in week for of veg, nutes introduced in week three(ff big bloom, ff grow big at 1/2 strength. lighting is 250 wtt mh currently on veg cycle timing (18hrs on - 6hrs off) here is where the problem came...transplanted 2 plants from 1gal bucket to 5 gal bucket...same soil, same feeding and lighting schedule...a day after transplant, i noticed these brown and yellow streaks all over the big fan leaves and a few of the new foliage...i have included a pic to show exactly wht i mean..:wall::wall::wall: i summarized the entire set up cus i noticed yall like to knw the whole story before giving advise which i think is far after research i convinced myself its not a N def because the symptoms dont add up!!:sad::sad::sad: i did make a blood meal tea that sat for 5 days...added abt 1 tbs to the new soil mix for each 5gal pot. a little more research led me to believe a possible Mag def!!! now i just want to make sure i have taken the correct action...:?::?::?::?: just waterd both plants with one 1gal water(ph lowerd with lime juice to abt 6.0, didnt realy hear anything abt it being a possible food for bacteria) and 1tbs of epsom salt. gave each plant just abt 1/2 a gallon...abt an hour ago now...we didnt see much diff can you kind fellows take a look at the pic and let me knw if i was right to do wht i did and any other advise will be greatly app :lol::lol::lol:... the fan leaves were cut from each plant due to similarities and the third is the last plant still in 1gal kinda scared to transplant!!!!:sad::sad:hope to here something soon...

"I need this medicine to function on a daily relieves me from debilitating pain....i thank God everyday for this amazing tree"



New Member
hey helping a buddy with a grow...only 3 soil (foxfarm)...curently in week for of veg, nutes introduced in week three(ff big bloom, ff grow big at 1/2 strength. lighting is 250 wtt mh currently on veg cycle timing (18hrs on - 6hrs off) here is where the problem came...transplanted 2 plants from 1gal bucket to 5 gal bucket...same soil, same feeding and lighting schedule...a day after transplant, i noticed these brown and yellow streaks all over the big fan leaves and a few of the new foliage...

i have included a pic to show exactly wht i mean..
i summarized the entire set up cus i noticed yall like to knw the whole story before giving advise which i think is great far after research i convinced myself its not a N def because the symptoms dont add up!!
i did make a blood meal tea that sat for 5 days...added abt 1 tbs to the new soil mix for each 5gal pot.

A little more research led me to believe a possible Mag def!!! now i just want to make sure i have taken the correct action...
just waterd both plants with one 1gal water(ph lowerd with lime juice to abt 6.0, didnt realy hear anything abt it being a possible food for bacteria) and 1tbs of epsom salt. gave each plant just abt 1/2 a gallon...abt an hour ago now...

we didnt see much diff can you kind fellows take a look at the pic and let me knw if i was right to do wht i did and any other advise will be greatly app
... the fan leaves were cut from each plant due to similarities and the third is the last plant still in 1gal kinda scared to transplant!!!!
hope to here something soon...

"I need this medicine to function on a daily relieves me from debilitating pain....i thank God everyday for this amazing tree"


New Member
I would not be feeding a pH of 6.0 with FF soil as it tends to run very low as is . Might not be an issue initially , but in due time the buffer being oyster shell will break down and this will create a melody of issues due to border line lockout ( Happy Frog does have lime but not always enough . Looks like the plants are showing a phosphorous deficiency due to this . I like to keep soil pH at 6.5-6.8 and I have seen FFOF out of the bag at 5.8


Well-Known Member
How's the air movement and humidity around the plants? It almost looks like a fungus, or possibly pests? It doesn't look a like a mag deficiency to me, the leaves seem to be too green, and not yellow enough. Good luck


New Member
How's the air movement and humidity around the plants? It almost looks like a fungus, or possibly pests? It doesn't look a like a mag deficiency to me, the leaves seem to be too green, and not yellow enough. Good luck
thanks for the response....the air is moving pretty good...two oscillating fans one at half strength and the other at full but a lil further back...accurite humidity meter says its abt 60% humidity wich i thought was kool for plants in veg and the temp is abt 72 degrees F, also i figured that would be the ideal temp... thanks again..


New Member
any other advice will help...just set up a co2 gen with the basic like a charm...hopping to see a diff soon...any advice on this subject?? has anyone used this method during veg and if so wht is the out come and is even a good idea at this stage?

thanks for all the help...


New Member
any other advice will help...just set up a co2 gen with the basic like a charm...hopping to see a diff soon...any advice on this subject?? has anyone used this method during veg and if so wht is the out come and is even a good idea at this stage?

thanks for all the help...
Hey Bagseed , I kinda figured you were using Ocean Forest as it tends to be the worst for lockouts and pH issues . Adding Dolomite lime to the mix before potting will take care of this issue . At least a Tablespoon to a gallon is what I recommend with the FFOF . When the soil begins to get too low you see nutrient deficiencies like the Phosphorous your seeing currently and once it drops lower the lockout begins , its common for growers to be locked out with this soil by 3-4 weeks in bloom due to high demands and weak buffers along with the aging of the organic matter that breaks down rapidly in this soil ..

I will not buy anything of Fox Farms as I have seen this issue time after time and I have tested pallet upon pallet to learn that this soil can have a pH from 5.0 - 7.0 but it averages with aging at about 5.7-6.4 and this is to low for soil but most people mix it and all is well .. I do recommend feeding at a higher pH as it may be the one thing that will make a difference with minimal input . Once you get your pH on track those plants will speak for themselves once again as they are now

Now to answer your question about the Co2 Generator , this can be a beneficial in veg when everything is at optimal levels but in this case it would be a waste of time until the plants are growing at optimal levels and are at optimal health otherwise your just wasting time and Co2 .


New Member
Hey Bagseed , I kinda figured you were using Ocean Forest as it tends to be the worst for lockouts and pH issues . Adding Dolomite lime to the mix before potting will take care of this issue . At least a Tablespoon to a gallon is what I recommend with the FFOF . When the soil begins to get too low you see nutrient deficiencies like the Phosphorous your seeing currently and once it drops lower the lockout begins , its common for growers to be locked out with this soil by 3-4 weeks in bloom due to high demands and weak buffers along with the aging of the organic matter that breaks down rapidly in this soil ..

I will not buy anything of Fox Farms as I have seen this issue time after time and I have tested pallet upon pallet to learn that this soil can have a pH from 5.0 - 7.0 but it averages with aging at about 5.7-6.4 and this is to low for soil but most people mix it and all is well .. I do recommend feeding at a higher pH as it may be the one thing that will make a difference with minimal input . Once you get your pH on track those plants will speak for themselves once again as they are now

Now to answer your question about the Co2 Generator , this can be a beneficial in veg when everything is at optimal levels but in this case it would be a waste of time until the plants are growing at optimal levels and are at optimal health otherwise your just wasting time and Co2 .
thanks for that...really help abt a day away from transplanting again...i went out and got MG organic choice...i intend to mix in some of the blood meal tea ive had sitting....sparingly off course...some perlite and i will go back for the dolomite lime and add to the other question i have for my mix...epsom salt or calmag or both?
now how can i rectify the phosphorous issue, after the epsom salt treatment (shared 1gal of water mix with 1tbs of epsom salt btw both plants) they seem to be doing slightly better...but not all the way great!!!...thanks so much for the help...much appreciated!!!

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
If you looked through all the FFOF threads here you would see that your plants are "normal". That stuff is hot and everybody adds more nutes to it and you get those nice rusty leaves from phosphorus burn. I am going to buy some of that shit this week because I am intrigued. My plan will be to try 1 bucket of straight OF and anther bucket of OF/Pro Mix and let them grow with no nutes and see what happens. I don't expect they will need any nutes for at least a month.

Your plants may come out of it with time but I wouldn't add any more nutes for a while.


New Member
If you looked through all the FFOF threads here you would see that your plants are "normal". That stuff is hot and everybody adds more nutes to it and you get those nice rusty leaves from phosphorus burn. I am going to buy some of that shit this week because I am intrigued. My plan will be to try 1 bucket of straight OF and anther bucket of OF/Pro Mix and let them grow with no nutes and see what happens. I don't expect they will need any nutes for at least a month.

Your plants may come out of it with time but I wouldn't add any more nutes for a while.
i serously dont understand how FFoF is "hot" ive plant every one of my beans directly in FFoF and i never repeat NEVER had any issues with lockouts or burning. Im just going to call that bs and no evidence can support that. if you screw your seedlings up in ffof its your fault not the soil