need help, im stumped.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a dwc with gh flora series, I'm into week 4 of flower and I'm having some weird problems. My leaves near the top are curling under badly, new growth at bud sites looks a little twisted, but the problem is in my undergrowth its withering away, My fan leaves and sugar leaves below the main canopy have dead spots on them, like dark green dried up crunchy spots some in the middle of the leaves others along the outside. I adjust my ph to 5.5 to 5.8 daily because they are drinking around a gallon of water a day and my ph will have fluctuated up to around 6.5 before I add my water. Is it the gh nutes that keep my ph so unstable and what is causing my plant to do this. I haven't been adding anything other than flora series grow bloom and micro along with liquid seaweed. Could it be a cal mag issue? I'm about to start a flush with some clearex for the next week or so. Please help, I've tried posting pics with my phone but fail miserably.


Active Member
do a flush and also a CAL MAG Foliar spray...this might help.....sounds like maybe your too close to the light as well.
and im assuming your PHing your water after you ad the nutes. if not this could be your ph problem.


Active Member
Sounds like a lock-up or deficiency..... if in DWC- what feeding chart are you following?
I agree- dump the rez- use plain water overnight then add back your nutes according to the phase of the plant...

remember- you have to follow their "phasic feeding" in DWC unless you change-out the nute solution every week!


Well-Known Member
Its in a 3x3 air cooled tent, two decent sized plants under an air cooled 600w. The temps stay around 75° and humidity floats around 40%. I basically follow the General hydroponics feed chart and go by what she looks like. I change my resevoir every 5 to 6 days with fresh nutes and fresh water. everyday I top the buckets off with around a gallon apiece they drink quite a bit. In my 4th week of flower. The plants where getting pretty close to my light so I had to do some lst and re hang my light but its at about 18" now. The plants where heavily lstd and trained throughout veg and some in flower. I am getting some red in my stems which is why I was asking should I add some cal mag with the curling and redness along with some dying spots on the lower half. I tried posting pics from my phone it won't let me for some fucking reason


Well-Known Member
They look good, I have no slime they are brown but they didn't go brown till I added the maxicrop liquid seaweed. That shit is black as Hell so it browned my roots up. They were white before that. And I keep my res temps around 50 to 60°


Well-Known Member
Maybe try only using the seaweed as a foliar and keeping out of your res. Are you sure there is no biofilm/slime growing? Rub the sides of the res see if it feels slick.



Well-Known Member
I put them in a clean res, the one they were in has no slime on the sides. I'm going to cut out the liquid seaweed and ease back on nutes in a couple days. I'm just hoping that works.