need help improving grow

My mother plants are under a 600watt HID, I try and cut 3 clones every 2 weeks, they are given only water I dont ph it, after ther are rooted into rockwool, I transplant them into a small pot of promix, and put them under a small t5 for maby 3 weeks or so , I feed them every other watering with bio root only because it has a even 1-1-1 npk I mix it at a ratio of 2 tsp per gallon, then are transplanted once again to 3 gallon pots and put under another larger t5 for another 3 weeks or so, here I just give them water for first couple waterings then I follow directions for light feeding on the bottles. Anyways then they go up stairs to flower under a small 400watt HPS and I dont feed the first watering and I keep lights high not to shock them and after a couple of days I drop lights down and follow directions on bottles for a heavy feeding, I feed every other watering, and I only ph water when I feed. I flush last 3 weeks, hang dry for 1 week and start to cure when sticks snap, Weed looks good but smells weard kinda like hay, taste like crap, burns black or gray.
Could this strain be garbage or am I missing somthing ? I also have trouble keeping old growth areas alive ,leafs turn yellow and die? I also feel like pots dont dry out as fast as they should. Im also not sure if the nuts im using are any good.

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Well-Known Member
My guess would be to lengthen the cure process... (maybe keep the lights a little closer they seem super leggy) Everything else sounds great.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing the lower growth is not staying alive due to low light levels. The T5 does not give much penetration. It's not a big deal though. Just cut out that dead growth. It looks like you have plenty of vertical space to work with.
thanks , I hate having bud I cant even smoke, its been curing for a while almost about a month now and I swear it tast even worse, I feel like it may of over dried when it was hanging, I just dont understand how such a small detail as leting it hang dry a coupla days to long just makes it unsmokeable,


Well-Known Member
i'd be using those bloom nutes if i were you.But that's just me i use 10-54-10 and have no problems so i can only imagine how much your plants can take


Well-Known Member
the lights are way to far off the tops of the plants. they have grown super stretchy. keep the lights closer to the plants or get a nice hid for vegging them. they should be shorter and more compact. the veg plants should be half the size they are now and the flower plants should be about 2.5ft shorter. u can safely keep a 400 roughly 6-18 inches from the tops of the plants without it being vented or aircooled. also a 400hps only has about 3-4 good feet of usable downward penetration. so get that sucker as close as possible so the lowers get enough light to do the good budding stuff ur looking for. otherwise u might as well be using a 150 for flower. looks good beyond the lighting heights. also cloning gel will just about half the time it takes for ur clones to root. cut it may not be ur thing.
and my yealds arnt that heavy i only get like 1 oz per plant dosent seem right, im not sure if i should grow less plants and grow them bigger or more smaller ones and lots of them, I thing I have to upgrade to 600watts in flower room or somthing , and i think i should go back to advanced nuts or somthing, I went with the verganic stuff because I wanted to grow like kyle kushman on youtube I tried to figure out what he was using in the video but i cant get most of the stuff because it wont ship to U.S


Well-Known Member
also if u dont flush the plants enough before harvest u get that nasty smoke that is hard to inhale. its from the plant not flushing enough of the nutes out of its system before being cut. it dries in the bud and gives u that death taste and thick hardcore nasty smoke. my plants just before harvest have a lot of yellowing in the leaves becuz the last week and a half + depending on strain is nothing but ph'd tap water. cleaner and smoother smoke. also if u use a flushing agent it speeds up the flush becuz it tales the place of the nutes in the plants system. but i just do the water thing.


Well-Known Member
when u put the plants into flower are u lowering the hoods to meet them or are u just letting them grow to the hoods?
I keep them up high for first like 3 days cuz one time they burned up real fast I think because the were use to a t5 , but after that i drop them as far down as they can go, and i just lowered that hid like you said ,i must of overlooked that iv been super busy.


Well-Known Member
does anyone use hygrozyme? not sure if I should bother using it anymore.
any beneficial bacteria is good for the plants. i use them regularly in my grows. every two or three waterings i hook the plants up with some. i use a different brand but its all pretty much the same. have u ever thought of a scrog? it will make a more efficient use of ur light footprint and u will need less plants for more yield. involves a bit of vegging tho.


Well-Known Member
i would also agree with what wheels said and i would have to point out that i see a lot of taco'ing goin on with ur leaves in flower. its too hot for them! also are you checking the trichs with a scope or just goin off well it looks done? lol if you harvest too early this can also cause the unpleasant taste/smell
yea i have to back that light up a bit its like 3 in away, I tried using the scope but its hard to tell when they are milky white , but I did the best i could they arnt yellow thats for sure,
yea I did a scrog once it was crazy big like 16 oz big off one mother, but it still had bad taste to it, i cant get my bud to tast good,, I like havin lots of plants because i can harvest more often and i can have multiple strains.


Well-Known Member
thats understandable. i like the same thing. have u considered doing a big scrog? with two lights and a few different strains? it would max ur yield and that taste could be twenty diff things. but im guessing ur flush is one of them. are u in soil or coco? becuz if ur in soil u might not be using all the nutrients out of it by the time its ready for harvest. i use coco due to me adding the nutrients to it to make it work. never been able to figure out soil. to much guessing for me and i like being exact. lol. also makes my flush easier due to no nutrients being in the coco.