Need help in flowering *PICS*


So my buddy gave me one of his neglected clones that went in to flowering. The plant is one weak in to flower and some of the leaves are turning yellow. I don't know what that means, help me out


Well-Known Member
my friend was using tab water. Now that i have it I am giving it bottled water and bat guano
hmm maybe molasses too. seems to make buds more denser. since your plant is smaller put 1 tbsp per gallon of warm water. mix well and add

you can add a lot of things to make your soil more richer

maybe next time add them before you find your plant flowering

easy things to add that seem to do wonders are bonemeal, blood meal, kelp extract, green sand and some love :peace:


Well-Known Member
find a plant food like miracle grow organic choice. the concentrated liquid I have is derived from sugar beet molasses, and what your clone needs is NITROGEN. The NPK is 8-0-0. Well recommended and you can find it at walmart. smells like shit tho.. lol