Need help inducing auto flower to flower

I have one each of the black skull five-0 and a nirvana white dwarf auto flower plants. Neither have begun the flowering phase and both are past their time to actually finish. I cut the light back to 12/12 last week but I'm still not seeing pistils. I have a 250w full spectrum light which I thought would be better for me but I'm not sure if it's the problem. I could insert my 125w red spectrum light but would rather not for obvious reasons.

Can anyone suggest some ways to help induce flowering or am I just screwed? If moving them to 12/12 is the answer how long should I wait before seeing results from that. It's s quite frustrating as you can imagine.


Active Member
How old are these "Autos"? I got an Auto berry ryder that started flowering in 16 days from seed! Shes 24 days old now ;) The light will not b the cause, maybe you've stressed her too much?


Well-Known Member
It can take a couple weeks to see flowers forming.

The spectrum of the light isnt what causes a plant to flower, it is the photoperiod. Keep them at 12/12 and you should see something soon.

I would contact the breeder and let them know your auto isnt auto-ing.


Well-Known Member
That blows dude!!....maybe you didnt get any autos???.....regardless,a couple more weeks of 12/12 and they should start to flower,autos or photos:).......give us some specifics....soil,water,nutes,temp & humidity? any pics?


Well-Known Member
Just a sugestion or more of a theory, r u using extrmely deep pots to grow in? From the research that I have read, auto strains are based on time (not photo) but also will not begin flowering until the tap root hits a hard surface.


Active Member
^ what he said Auto flowering plants are automatic meaning they don't abide by your schedule. They go on their own timing which is faster than non autos. Just take care of them and let them go. They will let you know when ready Hope it helps good luck
The black skull five-0 is in day 70, which is 10 days beyond its normal time frame. The nirvana plant is in day 60 but it should have been in flowering for many days by now.

I will tell you one other piece of info that I neglected to add....I mistakenly had these guys on a 21/3 light schedule from day one. I have no idea why I did that and truthfully I never noticed. Could that have impacted them?

i bought the seeds from SeedMadness and have never had a problem with them before.


Active Member
Day 70 and Day 60 of an auto flowering plant? Not flowering? Sounds strange to me. I have 2 for fun right now in the room and they started showing signs around day 30-40. Seems to me something is not right here. Maybe they are not autos? Never heard of an auto taking that long to show signs of flowering. How is your growing environment. How tall are they? Have you been on 12/12 for a while now?