Need help knowing what soil to get. PLEASE HELP ME OUT.....


Active Member
Im on a tight schedule and need to get soil within the next day or two.... Ive always been able to get soil directly from a friend so this is my first time buying new soil.

Im looking for something to grow outdoors with, i have my own nutes.

I have a bag of Scotts Potting Mix, i know its cheap but i was told it works, it doesn't have any npk ratios on the bag;front or back, so im kind of unsure of it. Anybody have any feedback on it?

Im looking for something cheap because im on a verryyy low budget. So preferably something from Walmart. Theres a hydro shop relatively close but im unsure whether it will have Fox Farms soil which i am reading is good, and i dont really have the time.

Please give me an idea of what i should be looking for. Anything will help.
Buffered Coco Coir bricks with a bag of Perlite, mix 80% coco 20% perlite, also buy a pH control kit. Coco retains water well and you'll need to be able to keep track of the pH of the water you put in.:peace:
If you absolutely must, MG has an organic blend or moisture control, mix the organic with pearlite though

people will say it sucks but Ive used both and had good results
Home Depot has soil called Lakeland it is made by the same company that makes the sunshine mixes and is about $12 for a compressed bail they also carry growers gold indoor and outdoor mixes also made by the same company it was like $9-10 but its a smaller bag. I have used both growers gold and Lakeland for indoor grows and had good results last year I used growers gold outdoor mix for my wife's tomatoes and it did pretty well.
Im on a tight schedule and need to get soil within the next day or two.... Ive always been able to get soil directly from a friend so this is my first time buying new soil.

Im looking for something to grow outdoors with, i have my own nutes.

I have a bag of Scotts Potting Mix, i know its cheap but i was told it works, it doesn't have any npk ratios on the bag;front or back, so im kind of unsure of it. Anybody have any feedback on it?

Im looking for something cheap because im on a verryyy low budget. So preferably something from Walmart. Theres a hydro shop relatively close but im unsure whether it will have Fox Farms soil which i am reading is good, and i dont really have the time.

Please give me an idea of what i should be looking for. Anything will help.

When you say "outdoor" do you mean in a pot orin the ground?
Scott's is kinda "hot" with fert all by itself...I have grown for years in five gallon buckets using MG Soil (Scott's) mixed half & half with Mushroom Compost from Home Depot or Lowes; about $4. All you will need is water for four to six weeks. You say you have "nutes" and hopefully not cannabis specific stuff. MG All Purpose mixed half strength applied only at first sign of yellowing and straight through the grow for an in the bucket grow...If you can; use plastic five gallon bucket; drill one inch diameter drain holes (at least four) at the bottom...Amend (till) a four foot square about five-six inches deep along with a bag of Mushroom Compost...Place (bury) the bucket four inches deep in the amended area letting roots grow through drain holes...If you can afford it; till about 4 tablespoons of "Osmocote" fert into (not just sprinkled on top) the area...Then just water...FWIW

BTW...Don't use a black bucket...Heats up under solar radiation...Or...You can put pine straw/hay around it for insulation.
Sunshine mix #4 works great for me. i havent any issues. it is 35 bucks a bale tho. but i buy chinese lamps and bulbs, so it works out

ive heard foxfarms soil is killer. but i can only get sunshine... or garbbage...

i cant get ff in my area. not any of their products. soil or ferts. but i dont give a shit. i get this stuff called gaia green. best organic fertilized ive found yet. its local
(bigdeal for me, it comes from next province, proudly canadian, and it travels less, burning less fuel).

i like thier batshit, but the power bloom is fucking rock steady. and a 10 key bag is 60 bucks. and 3 gals only need a tablespoon worth per month. It lasts quite a while.
Sunshine mix #4 works great for me. i havent any issues. it is 35 bucks a bale tho. but i buy chinese lamps and bulbs, so it works out

ive heard foxfarms soil is killer. but i can only get sunshine... or garbbage...

i cant get ff in my area. not any of their products. soil or ferts. but i dont give a shit. i get this stuff called gaia green. best organic fertilized ive found yet. its local
(bigdeal for me, it comes from next province, proudly canadian, and it travels less, burning less fuel).

i like thier batshit, but the power bloom is fucking rock steady. and a 10 key bag is 60 bucks. and 3 gals only need a tablespoon worth per month. It lasts quite a while.
Fox Farms is garbage
Is it a bad idea to put the seeds in this soil directly after germination? Will it burn them?

And as for my Scotts potting mix, can i still use it?
if you are planting outdoors into the soil you need to amend the soil that's there. so buy some composted manure. not dehydrated manure. or any composted leaf shit. or mushroom soil. mix some of that in the hole. worm castings are great too. theres your N source. the P you can add rock phosphate or buy an all around fertilizer like MG. the blue powdered stuff. theres your K too unless you want to add some greensand for K. and at some point buy some azomite off amazon or ebay. outdoor soils dont usually lack Mg but add a handfull of epsom salts into the hole. and/or add a handful of lime. thats all you need. dont germ outside. and when u bring them out to plant them bring them out in the shade first then an hour of sun then a few more...over a few days. its called hardening off. then give them as much full sun as you can.
Is it a bad idea to put the seeds in this soil directly after germination? Will it burn them?

And as for my Scotts potting mix, can i still use it?

Seedlings should go in at about two weeks...I germ in a sixteen oz see through plastic cup so I can see root growth progress. Roots don't like light so I place see through cup inside a sixteen oz colored cup...What kind of container are you using? Can you use the technique of burying the container in an amended area and let the roots grow through the drain holes...You can use one gallon nursery pots for this technique too...FWIW
thats too much for me man. Im not trying to be cheap and dumb, but i just want some soil to plant that it will grow in and do okay. Im not at the level to be doing everything perfect, ive always worked with the least amount of things needed and done fine. Will the mg alone not work?
get a bag of african violet mg or the organic, mix with equal parts mg perlite...thats it, mg bloom booster will be fine later in life
i get potting soil from a local ornamental nursery. it's the same soil they use for growing nearly all their plants.
thats too much for me man. Im not trying to be cheap and dumb, but i just want some soil to plant that it will grow in and do okay. Im not at the level to be doing everything perfect, ive always worked with the least amount of things needed and done fine. Will the mg alone not work?

Treat it like you would a tomato & you will do fine...It's called a weed for a reason...FWIW