need help...leaves look wet but arent wetf


Well-Known Member
So one of my plants on the lower leaves they look wet just looking at them. But when I touch them they definitely are not wet. I will upload pics here when im done feedin the kids.


Well-Known Member
Now that I look at them I wouldnt say they look wet. Almost oily like. Idk I never seen this.

U can see on the lower leaves they look like that while the top half looks normal.


Well-Known Member
I water every two days. Not using any nutes yet. It looks dry in the pic because I took the pic right before I watered them


Well-Known Member
well if only every 2 days i doubt over watering. your tips are curling too, youll need cal mag in a few days to prevent damage to leaf tips.


Active Member
Hows your ventelation? I have seen this before in a plant thats been blasted with wind. It honestly looks like wind burn.... thats why the older plant looks oily (wind burn)... but if your ventelation and fan situation is fine, you've got me man...!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Glossy look says healthy to me,,,maybe a tic high in N,,,,but not looking like a problem!

Water when dry and continue on as you have.....
What soil and how was it prepped if you did?


Active Member
Wind will suck out moisture, maybe its drinking to much because the heat combined with strong fan. That will cause extreme dry conditions... The oily look can occur when the sweet glands on the leaves dries up due to wind or extreme heat. Same with our skin and sweet glands. Just a thought... to add on to the post above... could be wrong though man...


Well-Known Member
Ima try to answer all the questions. Currently I just switched to flowering this last sunday that just passed. I got a 125watt 6500k cfl. 2 26watt 2700k bulbs a 13watt 2700k bulb and a 80watt 2700k bulb. Left the 125watter to have a mix of light. To be honest I checked them this morning and it doesnt look nearly as bad as it did the day I took the pics. I been watering every 2days not to create a schedulebut because thats how long its been taking for the pots to feel light and about a inch and a half down it is dry by the second day. Im using ffof. I have 2 desk fans blowing on them to circulate air and strengthen stems and cool temps down a bit. My ddigital thermometer stopped working right even with new batteries so really dont know correct temps. I didnt mix the ffof with anything although some people on here told me to do 2:1 with perlite but i didnt do it. the desk fans are the only thing im using for ventilation which is gonna scare me soon when it starts to stink. Im in a pretty small closet so I dont really know how to set up a decent ventilation system that isnt too expensive.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the little plant in the picture needs more N too, it is showing deficiencies with bottom yellow leaves.