need help...leaves look wet but arent wetf


Well-Known Member
The bottom yellow leVes have been like that for 2 weeks now. Got sum help with that I. A different thread I created. Was using just some scotts potting mix for first 2 1/2 weeks and it started yellowing and growth slowed down a lot. Put them in ffof and the yellowing hasnt progressed at all and growth took off like crazy. Thats partially the reason y I dont water for at least two days because I believe ffof gives off N when its watered. So im not so much concerned of the yellowing. Also the wet/oily look has ceased and is no longer visible. It went away the next day after I watered and I watered them right after I made this thread. So idk im just makin sure I check on them frequently. Two of the four I had showed sex today. Got one female and one male and the male is probably being eaten by the alley cats out here. so two more im wIting on to show sex. This is actually the farthest ive gotten out of the three times ive attempted


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, so I was right...
Here is a tip/trick i use to find the right time to water: When the top dirt is dry the surrounding dirt will become brittle and you can almost blow it away with your breath. That is usually when my plant is beginning to need water or is gasping for water.
Sometimes the dirt stays chunky and humid and it feels wet when its not. Its important to understanding your soils dry rate when you choose something permanent(soil ref) you can make progress instead of breaking even(worse when it comes to money, but in this case keep your plants growth to an average life cycle(an no this is not a good thing)).

So making progress is what something like this is about, and in marijuana growing sometimes there are mistakes that can cost you your favorite plant or even your entire medical crop.
Also I am using hydro coco coir atm and my last 3grows were cococoir, the first was perlite/vermiculite mix(also hydro).


Well-Known Member
Sexting at this time it is probably 2-3weeks(sometimes earlier if its indica) into 12/12.
Males will have pollen sacks which come out first with a leafy point(almost like a hair, but this one will be leafy/stemy sized about same size as female hairs)(Sometimes this can trick you), some strains are different but usually it kinda makes things difficult when your not checking everyday.
Females of course will have hairs to attract pollen usually floating in the wind, or from insects and birds.


Well-Known Member
Also I have been able to identify plants from the newest growth with is usually different depending on your strain and size of plant.
I think the most popular spot was somewhere in the half way point in growth but then I have also found the top of the plant to be first to show sex.

Also in bigger male plants sometimes the pollen sacks sprout from the trunk.. Careful with males they can end up making all your nug seeds, I would chop unless you want all your nug seeds. Because with one male youll have ruined bud the whole crop will be ruined even outside it can cause mass amounts of seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hey I appreciate all your input. I through the male out the second I noticed sacks were growing. So now im with three plants that dont have any sacks. Im pretty happy that 3 of the 4 turned to be female.

Quick question though. If some of my leaf tips are curling down is that a sign of too much nitrogen? Im asking because some of mine are curled down while others are fine. I havent even gave any nutes yet because I noticed this. Still watering every two days which is how long it takes for the pot to be light/dry. Ffof I was told releases nitrogen during watering so does two days seem like im watering too often?


Well-Known Member
the leaves were lustrous as new leaves most times are. the luster will wear off. the leaf, if you've felt it, is rough and sand paper like. all this helps with moisture loss.


imo you either have super high humidity and live in a city - or you have sprayed those plants within the last 2 weeks.... the spray(I mainly notice it with neem oil) adds that oily shine esp to the lowers... but smog+humidity can make plants do that too... Esp on the lowers as the light doesnt bake it off as fast... but i agree, watering on a schedule is overwatering, if your temps change one day or your plant finally gets alittle root bound in that pot it will set you back two weeks tryin to figure out why nothings happening


Well-Known Member
I mean I agree with what all of you are saying but I think its underwatering to be honest. Well for the one plant that it keeps happening to that look goes away the next morning after watering. If the leaves are droopy is that a sign that its underwatered? Im asking because the three seperate times its happened the leaves have also been droopy. This is the only one I water every two days because its in a smaller pot than the others so the pot gets lighter way faster than the others do. Which basically by the end of the second day the soil is dry about a inch down and the whole pot itself is iust super light In weight.


Well-Known Member
I mean I agree with what all of you are saying but I think its underwatering to be honest. Well for the one plant that it keeps happening to that look goes away the next morning after watering. If the leaves are droopy is that a sign that its underwatered? Im asking because the three seperate times its happened the leaves have also been droopy. This is the only one I water every two days because its in a smaller pot than the others so the pot gets lighter way faster than the others do. Which basically by the end of the second day the soil is dry about a inch down and the whole pot itself is iust super light In weight.
It can droop due to overwatering or underwatering. Usually difference between crunchy and soggy.
I could tell it was underwatered because it looked dry on the top part...

Id get a runoff tray so your plant can hold extra water... Overwatering is really hard imo and the only time it has happened was when I lost track of the days in a haze and watered again the same day.