Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.


Active Member
Ok so here are the pics.....


I dont keep a journal or calendar, but i can say that something im doing has caused this....

Recently gave the plants some epsom salts, noticed a small improvement but nothing substantial... someone showed me those posters, it looked like an iron deficiency but then i thought it looked like sulphur deficiency......

then i read this post but it cant be outgassing for me because i have no paint in my box and fresh air all the time..... please help me these babies smell so good....



Well-Known Member
Dude I dont see a problem here..... you have a beautiful plant going here. Im assuming you are speaking of the lighter green coming out with your new growth? This is nothing to be alarmed about it happens.


Rebel From The North
whats the PH? and the ph in the run off?
it looks like a def.
whats the ppm?
they look over watered but thats not goig to cause the yellowing


Active Member
whats the PH? and the ph in the run off?
it looks like a def.
whats the ppm?
they look over watered but thats not goig to cause the yellowing
i wish i could tell you what the runnoff ph was, but my tester is fucked. i know its probably high, maybe 7.5 at worst 8. I dont have anything to measure ppm, i am low budget noob. and yes they were a bit over watered yesterday, so im not gonna water for a couple more days i think, depends how fast they drink..... i was thinking iron def at first but then i though sulphur.... im real confused, those little poster things arent any help either. that pic in the link was the closest thing i could find.....


Active Member
im pretty sure its not n deficient, i foliar fed it for a couple of days with a slightly stronger than usual n fert.... but no change :(


Active Member
I think i know whats going on....tell me what you think.

I read this post..... and saw this pic, looks like my problem...

so it says that this is caused by temperature swings, high then low.....


Well-Known Member
Great advice. One of them looks a little bothered by something you are doing to her, the others look just like plants on such a growth spurt they cannot keep up with the synthesizing of nitrogren into their leaves, often mistaken for a deficiency in this or that trace element. There is a tendency for growers to panic, and in the process make several changes to their plants environment which brings the plants into shock. Shock is your biggest enemy. As Biological Graffity said, give it some time, plants are great healers of themselves in soil, if given enough time to do so.

Have you grown this strain before? Some strains just do that during their growth spurt. I tend to just let them do their thing with straight water for 3-4 days when I see a plant stressing out, and most times they correct themselves especially while in veg.

As for the temperature swing, you know your own grow environment, plants can handle quite a swing as long as its regular. They can get used to a few things that are a little off the optimum settings in soild, but what they hate more than anything is changes of routine which is unavoidable at various stages of a grow, obviously repotting, trimming off undergrowth, switching to flowering, those are all changes that you cannot avoid, but often its the changes we induce onto our plants because someone else said your plants are deficient in whatever range of additives that you then need to go and buy....

Also do not forget that plants react differently in soil than they do in hydroponic substrates. Every action you do in soil will have a reaction, just not immediately, it may take 2-4 days to see a change and in that time if a grower expects plants to react like they do in hydro, it is easy to make several miscorrections which can lead to more plant stress because each correction is a change of routine for the plants.


Well-Known Member
The only problem that i can see here is the plant is root bound,put the plant in a larger tub and she will be fine.Also the weeping of the leaves sometimes is caused by over watering all though i would flush just before you transplant.the lighter couloured areas are just new growth plants fine put her in a bigger pot mate.................................tyke


Active Member
yeah i thought i had a root problem too, so i repotted into much bigger buckets about a week ago, also gave em some root blast, but i noticed when i repotted that there were not that many roots so i dont think they are root bound.

i do think they were over watered so im gonna let em dry out a bit over the next few days.....and the yellow parts do look healthy other than the fact the are yellow, i bought a min/max thermometer today so i will find out how low my temps are getting over night.... provided it works how i think it does.

had a look at the third one today, i have a feeling it is male as i see no hairs on the little bulb things....

can i correct the yellowing with epsom salts?


Well-Known Member
Step away from the salts, if you do anything flush first chance you get with a 30% nutrient solution and than let dry. The results of doing nothing vs flushing is it could get worse while you try to figger it out. Could be temp, too cold at night usual turns stems purple. Are your lights to close?

I went back and looked again at your pics and some of the leaves at the top are twisting, sure sign of light to close compined with yellow.


Active Member
lights are atleast 12 inches away, for the shorter one (which i think is male) - it is almost 2 feet away..... plenty of reflective material.... 600whps.


Active Member
yeah noim not gonna add more nutrients, plants are very healthy other than the yellowing.

have decided to let em dry for another 2days, i will flush then restart with nutemix..... i found that my temp last night went down to 55f so i have a thermostat plug im going to hook to a heater to keep the box warm during cold spells.....just have some preliminary testing to do, as i am not sure the heater i have will start on the correct setting after it switches off then on again....


Active Member
can someone tell me if it is ok to use a 400w hps bulb in a magnetic ballast that currently has a 600w hps in it?